"Then how do we stop them- I mean slow them down?" Moonheart asked, wanting to make the conversation short so they can get to action. Riversun said soothingly but quickly, "The hundred-year star matter, if we take that away he can't give the starfire to anyone, or collect it. Also, remember, that starfire he carries is as little as it seems, he wants our starfire to gather more for his followers. So whatever you do DON'T use your starfire. It isn't safe for me or star either, even if we got rid of the starfire, remember what Stormtail said, it's still flowing in our veins but not enough to use. Every bit counts to Elmglade. Elmglade carries the matter in a small glass jar, secured around his neck, like a necklace. It wont be easy. Especially without using your starfire." Morningleaf arched her neck. "Then lets go." Just like that, they kicked off and flew, heading to the heart of Jungle herd. Moonheart felt that same emptiness is her heart. Like something was going to happen. And something was, but that wasn't it... like every time she beat her wings, it was her last. Like every time her heart thumped, it was history. Like every move she made, it must be made with caution. She trembled almost losing her balance. Morningleaf flew to her side. "You okay?" Time fell back into place. "I'm fine." She raised her brow. "Oh really?" Moonheart nickered. Her mother knew her to well. "Why can't I just be a normal pegasus, like everyone else?" Morningleaf nuzzled her. "Your father thought the same thing. But it's destiny sweetheart, your saving Anok." Moonheart met her eyes. "But that's the thing. Every time we do. There is never peace. It's always something. Nightwing, Brackentail, Riversun, Elmglade, there was never a chance for anyone to breath." Before Morningleaf could answer Riversun whinnied over the ripping winds, "DUCK!" Brackentail cocked his head. "Duck?" "Goose!" Star joked. "No DUCK!" Moonheart turned around to see a flurry of light green feathers. It was Elmglade, coming straight at them!
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I agree!!
More, more, more! More, more, more!
ur like my other friend. She loves to speak in metaphors. XD
Thx :3 Call me a lime but Elmglade isn't as OP as Nightwing. Oh wait he is, but still even if they DO get themselves killed a villain will never come victorious. Who knows maybe he'll die. Or maybe he won't. :3
Omg I love speaking wisely =.=
"It wont be easy..." Riversun warned.
"Then lets go!" Moonheart said, being the only "sane" pegasus here and wanting to get herself and her friends killed
so then they agree with Moonheart and go on a suicidal mission to kill someone that cant be killed and instead will kill all of THEM.
Great story. -claps s l o w l y -
Bello! Its meh the last person that found out how to change a name... But there we go, another episode. Enjoy. :P