k... before anyone reminds me. I REMEMBERED :D
k lets take some time to admire these very unique pics




K AND THIRD PLACE IS: x drumroll x
Pega-sushi Crowd: Woooo! :DDD
SECOND PLACE IS.. x drumroll x
Pega-sushi Crowd: WOOO! :D
AND FIRST PLACE x drumrolllllll x
STARDUST!!!!!!!! :D
k, now that that is over with, here are the prizes
1st: Headshot of either normal or spirit style of your OC and TGH character.
2nd: Spirit Style of your OC or TGH Character
3rd: Feather drawing of your OC or TGH Character
Tell me the descriptions of your OCs or what TGH Character I should draw. EVERYONE THAT DID ENTERED DID GREAT! <3
Can you just do Spirit Style Star?
My stupid thing wouldn't load but I got it done anyways.............. CONGRADULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But congrats everyone! I didn’t really care about winning this time. I mean, I didn’t draw it, so it’s not a big deal if my entry won or not. Btw Flamefrost, you definitely would have placed.
😱 I loved Silvermist! She was so awesome in meh role :)
Sure and sure x3
Could you do a head-shot of Silvermist? I'll post a description.
I bet that would have gotten first place if you had posted it in time Flamefrost, and umm... could you draw... Silverflame's feather, there silver tipped with gold
Awesome!! Congrats guys!
Watcha want me to draw Stardust?
WOW! Amazing job everyone!
its fine
Im afraid I cant rearrange the winners but THAT LOOKS AMAZING :D
Congrats guys!
And I forgot to post my entry!! Well, here it is anyway: