Can someone please tell me who Star's sire is?
Here's how I imagine him: Tall, hansom, black stallion with gold wings and four white stockings and a fairly sized white star on his forehead. Goldenmoon is his name.
If anyone is with me, then please comment.
In Which I Reveal the Identity of Star's Sire!
.Jennifer Lynn Alvarez
Jennifer Lynn Alvarez describes it in this video. When I saw this, I was so surprised!!!
It would make sense is they could, because many pegasi in Anok (other then Star) have black markings, and my very first TGH OC was a dark bay with black wings
Star's sire is the Hundred Year Star according to one of the video newsletters.
Dragon, can a non-black pegasus have black feathers?
That makes sense
No, a only black foals have a black coats. But other pegasi can have black markings and feathers
No the black foal has black wings.
Yeah he sounds handsome! But if his coat is black.. would he be the black foal. Idk but he sounds rly cool!
I know, but my phone autocorrected and I didn't notice until I posted it and I didn't feel like editing it.
SIRE not SITE! :)
That explains it!! I've wondered who was Star's site before and now I've got the answer!
Yeah it kinda does
That makes sense
Hi! Star doesn't have a sire. I asked Mrs. Alvarez this question a while ago. She said that the Starfire sparked life in Lightfeather's belly.
Not really
I mean in the past, before Star was born
Until now? No.
Have any one you guys wondered what all the other black foals look like??
I doubt Star has a sire and that Lightfeather got pregnant by the Hundred Year Star, but Goldenmoon sounds really handsome!!