Me and Smokeburst are watching it together, it's an amime (The first I've ever watched) there's some darker parts that Smokeburst isn't going to let me see but what I've seen is really good.
I've drawn the two main characters as Pegasi, Kirito and Asuna
Kirito (I spelled his name wrong on the drawing, I just realized that)

And Asuna!

Ooooo ima have to try it! Since O'm currently waiting for My Hero Academia season 5 to come out on English.
NOICE. And no, I don't watch it, but I know about Anime. lol I sometimes just love looking at the drawings/animation peeps and stuff in anime because they look SO COOL.
I haven’t watched it, but that looks cool!
Here's a picture of the main characters from the show
I've never heard of it! I've actually never seen any anime.
That looks so cool!