Thundertail opened his eyes, taking in his surroundings. He nudged Iceblaze awake and she sneezed a leaf off her delicate muzzle. She yawned. "That's a first. You're awake." Thundertail nodded. "Should we go?" "No, let's eat and drink first." His gut tickled at her bossy tone, but he agreed with a slight nod of his head. The passing hour they spent their day grazing and drinking from the nearby lake they found in silence. Finally she spoke. "What do you think is going to happen?" She asked. "You know after we go to that 'Different Anok'?" "I don't know." He admitted. "I was thinking we would just find them. But it won't be that easy." Iceblaze nuzzled him, and he continued. "When we get there, do you think we can actually start a different life. That we can, let this go." Iceblaze closed her mouth, and he gazed into her dark brown eyes. Iceblaze met his eyes. "I wish we could. I really do Thundertail. But we can't let the pegasi in our Anok continue to live like this. We can't abandon them because of our selfishness. Yes, it won't be a while, and during that while we can be normal, get to know about the lore and the pegasi there, maybe even befriend them. But our mission stays the same." Thundertail gaped at her. Again Iceblaze proves smartest. But the real surprise was the fact that she cared about each and every pegasus in her Anok and the Anok they are about to encounter. During the years he've lived with her, Iceblaze has always been one of those spunky, sarcastic pegasi that all the stallions were into. She'd never shown any sign of fear or sadness. This has always awed him. And seeing her doubtfulness and worry made Thundertail question himself if he really knew her. He pushed his thoughts behind him and asked. "You ready?" Iceblaze nodded and they kicked off. Thundertail gripped the current with his wings, coasting slightly sideways. In front of him not far in the distance was Canyon Meadow, and there they will find out if the prophecy is true.
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YOU. THIS. I don't think I need to explain anything.
"One of those spunky sarcastic pegasi that the stallions are into." Lol its true. if I was a pegasus I would be mini brackentail XD
So.... good....
HEY GUYS! C: Here's part 5! Were half way through! :D I can't wait to make part five C: Cya on te other side!