The next day things were back to normal between Star and Morningleaf. It had been a pretty un-eventful day so far. Then Shadepebble ran over to where Morningleaf was grazing. "Hey!" Shadepebble said with a little extra pep in her voice. "Hello, why do you sound so happy all of a sudden?" Morningleaf questioned. "C'mere!" Shadepebble told her and walked into the woods a little bit. "Okay..." Said Morningleaf and followed the mare. "I have really good news!" Shadepebble informed her putting an emphasis on "really". "Okay! What is it?" Morningleaf asked her. "Your the first one I'm telling and even Clawfire doesn't know yet.." She said. "Go on.." Morningleaf said with a movement of her wing. "Clawfire and I are having a foal!" She almost squealed. "Thats great Shadepebble!" Morningleaf told her friend. And there Shadepebble was happier than Morningleaf ever knew such a little mare could contain. While Morningleaf on the other hand was still trying to figure out her feelings for Star.
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Eeeeeee!! Yay for Shadepebble and Clawfire!!!!!!!!!!
This is soooo cool!
Okay so I know its been forever since i wrote the last one! But here is the 4th one! Let me know if you want me to continue this one or Tears, or I have a new series in mind that would kinda be a little similar to Casstucker1's series Ocean Herd... Let me know what i should do!