Name: Dawnfeather
Gender: filly
Age: 1
Description: dark chestnut filly with white brindle marks, 4 white socks, no facial markings, sunrise lavender wings tipped in brilliant golden sunrise orange, and golden eyes.
Personality: bossy, funny, kind, witty, smart, wise, can be really temperamental.
Family: Charmfeather(dam), Dragonmist(sire), Cinderheart(middle sister), and Sandmist(oldest sister)
Friends: Darkfeather, Auroramist, Oceansun.
Crush: Stormriver or Dragonfrost(lol Dragon can i use it?)
Mate: none
Extra: most speedy, agile, competitive pegasus


(the brindle is like this one)

aqua wings, dark blue tips.
colt of Willowsong(dam) and Forestbreeze(sire) crush on Dawnfeather
thank you!!!
She’s pretty!!!!
thats a coincidence!
XD omg!
Oh my gosh, Dragonflight's 'girlfriend' was named Patchfeather (you'll find more about her later)
Thanks! LOL I love the name Dawnfeather and Dragonfrost, hmmm ship name is Dragonfeather! XD
COOL!!!!! She looks bootiful
thanks XD
Ooh cool!
no its ok! xD and ty Dragon! xD yeah i just really love that name!
Oh no... I did the description wrong.. ;c
Ah, I see you are reusing Dragonflight's old name, and btw, both look really cool