Hi everyone,
I'm giving away one autographed copy of ROTR #1 at the blog hosting my cover reveal. The odds of winning tend to be highest on these blogs, since only 10-20 people usually comment.
I hope you like the new cover! Echofrost is so brave to infiltrate the Sky Guard to try and save her friends, she's a born spy! Here's the link to see the cover and enter the giveaway. Good luck!

XD omg Echomoon!
AND WHOO HOO!!! Sorry i didnt realize there was a second page, I only found out when i commented to Dragon's reply after my own comment.
Try saying that five times fast XD
Also when Brauk hit Echofrost and clubbed her and took out her flight feathers, I made a post where i got sucked into the book and broke his legs :3
Near the end of the book when *SPOILERS*
I'Lenna and Rahkki get stuck in the tree/nest together
yeah! i hate like gender inequaliy(ancient greece and other civilizations just was more about Men and stuff. the womancleaned and they were married off by their fathers wether they like itor not! and I love riding!
I like signing my books that way, as though the reader is a Rider. I relate to the humans and the pegasi equally in the trilogy. I understand the longing to ride (I have a horse myself) and I understand the longing not to be “owned” (being an independent woman). Anyway, Riders are fierce and protective and they love horses and Kihlari, so you could all be Riders!
Brauk is brawn
They do seem similar, but Brauk isn’t as friendly as Bumblwind
I ship Tuni and Brauk, but I also hate how Brauk hit Echofrost. Although I wish Echofrost kicked Harak instead of Brauk, Brauk did deserve some type of punishment. But less serious, like a nip on his arm or something. I really hope he doesnt die though.... reminds me to much of Bumblewind’s death 😢
or Brauk would be like Percy but Ares-ized and much more brawn than smarts and wits. LOL Brauk isnt my favorite..... Tuni is! I hate that he hit Echofrost but i hate he got hit byEchofrostr..... Karma/Irony/Coincidence
(my comment for middle grade thingy cause i cant comment ):)
"I can't wait for the book! the cover is absolute;ly amazing! Ships Ri'lenna but NOT Bruni!"
-Dawnfeather with a capital "D"
YEA!! O:
I think it's more like Brauk needs Tuni
I think Tuni dont need a "man" XD like annabeth or reyna
I ship Brauk x Tuni sooo bad! I feel like Tuni is like a big sister or mother to Rahkii. She's rlly good friends with him since she's like besties with Brauk :D
Brauk needs a sensible gurl XD
I ship Bruni (Brauk x Tuni) and I'Lekki (I'Lenna x Rahkki)
Ahhh!!!! I can't wait for this book!!! I commented ;)