I have been posting my new story, A New Beginning, on Wattpad, and it got ranked #4 in the mare's and stallions category, plus #6 in foals, and #10 in pegasus and the guardian herd. So that's pretty cool. Anyway, this is the cover I made for it:

Wow, that's big... Anyway, I don't know if I like this cover. I mean, it's kinda cool, my favorite color and yeah. But I want to change it. So.
For this challenge, each of you are given the chance to draw a new cover for A New Beginning. Here is what the winners will get.
3rd place: headshot of one of their OC's with feather. (I wanna try something new. Never done this before...)
2nd place: full body picture of one of their OCs with background
1st place: drawing of one or two of their OCs with background, or a short story of their choice, plus their cover will be put on my story.
It has to be 1181x1748.
Also, I know I said my next challenge would be about animals. That one will be next I just wanted to do this one first.
You have until August 17th to finish this, so a month from now.
Let the drawing, competition, and... Idk... Flying? BEGIN!
-Thunderblaze ⚡
I posted the winners! (I don't think most everyone saw it, so I'll give you the link...) Book Cover Challenge Winners!
SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG, @Thunderblaze.
Here you go!!!
Also, let me know if you want me to change ANYTHING. I can easily alter anything on this picture if you want!
Ok it's now passed the due date and I forgot to remind you guys. :P Anyways, thank you to @Firesong @Embermoon @Stormsun and @kittycatburmise for your entries!
Now, @Skysun @Aspenray and @Riverglade , I don't know if you guys are still working on it or not. (Or if you actually joined) If you want to leave the competition, please tell me so i can remove you from my list.
I'm excited to choose the winners when this competition closes!
(remember, 3rd place gets a headshot of one of their OCs with a feather, 2nd place gets a full body drawing of one of their OCs with a background, and 1st place gets either one or two full body drawings of one or two of their OCs, or a short story, (though I'd recommend they don't choose this unless my writer's block decides to give up on attacking my brain.) also their cover will be put on my Wattpad story.
Now because I am too nice and will hate myself for not giving everyone else a prize, to anyone who entered but didn't make it to the top three will get either a headshot or a feather for any of their OCs. :)
Thanks for participating!
Here is my entry!
Just a heads up, there is two weeks left in this competition. I'll remind you guys in one more week. Just don't want anyone forgetting! 😁👍 How is everything going so far?
I'll join!
Heres my entry!
@Embermoon @Riverglade @Skysun @Heartfall (Echomoon) @Windfeather I don't know if some of you are doing it, or who is doing it, but since only two people entered so far and there are three prizes, I'm moving the due date until September 17th.
Remember, it doesn't have to be a drawing. You can do it on Canva or wherever. If you can't do digital, then you can do a drawing, just please make sure that the picture is good quality and it fits the Wattpad covers.
Thanks, good luck, and happy cover making!
This is what I've got...
ok sooo...
it looks weirdddd
I created a new entry because I still hate mine, but idk if this one turned out better. idk. if you want me to show it to you, I will, and maybe you could tell me which one is better so I can change my entry XD
I am still trying to get this done. My art app has decided to go on strike and I have been waiting for it to decide it likes me again XD!
My entry...
Haha it sucks. I'll probably re-do it.
oh sweet!! what's your Wattpad?
Just a heads up that the die date is in five days! Please remember to post it. Thanks guys!
Hmmm I mite do it but I mite be Busy….. idk I’ll try!
I'M IN!!!!
Can I have some more information on the story? It will make it easier for me to try to make a cover if I have more info
What is/are the names of the main character/s? Is there a main bad guy?
What are the colors' of the main characters' feathers?
What is a color that you really like?
Also, does it have to be in that size or just a size that fits and works in Wattpad format. I have the recommended size saved to my art app and was wondering if I could use that. It works very well for all of my covers.