So...Star has a white star on his head and in the in book it says that black foals at all black for head to hoof. But him and other black foals have white marking so that doesn't really make him all black... Tell me your opinions!
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It says in the books that black isn't a color usually found on pegasi, and only black foals are born with a black coloring. In my opinion, these black foals can still have markings based off their genetics, and maybe some color in the wings.
I actually made a list of possible black foals too, and Thunderblaze is one of them, and she is a pinto with black feathers tipped in light aqua green.
There are also blue roans in there and that coloring is a mix of black and white hairs, but since the black isn't the main coat, it makes sense.
I think they just need to be dominantly black. White markings like stars/blazes, socks/stockings, appaloosa spots, etc... are all just extras but the foal is still described with a Black coat and then white markings. But if the pegasus is dominantly white, with black markings, like spots (Ilan from ROTR is white with black spots) are bot a black foal, because the markings are black but not the main coat, if that makes sense. I can go really deep into this and also get into genetics, but I'm on my phone and don't have the time to do that.
I don’t remember the books ever saying that a black foal had to be completely black.