So this post is going to be everyday for me. I want to do something where we post pictures everyday on our pets. It can be a dog, cat, bunny, reptile, gerbil, horse, anything. So it's an animal diary! I'll be posting pictures of Tucker being a goof everyday!

Ignore the TV, I am watching I Didn't Do It

Ignore my hand/arm, I was rubbing his ear. He loves it!

His head in different angles for the hand/arm shots
Ok, I haven't posted on here for a couple days, but here are Henry and Thumper again!
I just thought this was adorable because they like to cuddle when they sleep. 😍
And this one I thought was weird because they don't really sleep out in the open of their cage that often. I wanted to get a better picture, but, alas, I couldn't without waking them up. So sorry!
No one's really posting that much anymore, but... anyway .......
This is my dog as a puppy - with no reason to stick his tongue out lol
And this is him now .... I don't know why he likes to hold it like this 😂😆 (Btw, sorry about all the legs and feet!)
Day 2!
this is booey not being allowed on out guest bed and hi wanting to!
mind the beautiful hair XD
Day four!
The second one is them cuddling in their sleep. They are adorable! I wish you could see Thumper better because he's in the cutest position ever!
Also, here's a picture of a green cheek conure I found on Pinterest.
Sorry, I'm getting more and more obsessed with them every day!😍💕
(I am so sorry I haven't been posting! Been busy! I will post today of Tucker. But yes to your question, Thunder. We're still posting daily. I will and hopefully everyone will too!
Here's a drawing I did of the mare I ride in my lessons:
Her names PD (Short for Power Dancer) and she's an OTTB.
and Gretchen was being silly when I took this pic XD
Question, are we still posting pet pics daily? (I'm still gonna do it.) Also, here is day three of my gerbils!♥️
Here's Thumper's cute little quizzical face! (The white stripe from his nose goes down to his stomach. I wonder how much that will change when he gets older...) This pic might look weird, and that's because I took the picture with the tablet I'm using. It isn't a very great camera so be warned.
And here is the chubby little Henry wondering if I'm gonna give him food! He's great. Love him so much!
Sadie's currently in grumpy old lady mode XD
ALSO, I had my riding lesson today and was going to bring my phone to take pictures, but I forgot it :/ BUT sometime this week I think I'm gonna do a drawing/painting of the mare I've been riding, and I'll post it on here when I do it! (If I don't do it in the next two weeks feel free to pressure me into doing it! Same with any other drawings I keep forgetting to do)
Day 2! This time I was able to catch them sleeping and take a good picture!
(Its green because of the color of the cages lid. 😅) Gosh, Henry is adorable in this picture!
I have no context to go with this. His tongue is literally just hangin' there.
Sorry, I couldn't choose which ones not to use...
They were asleep, but I couldn't take a good picture of them because the light was ruining it. Then I accidentally woke them up and this is their reaction. 😅 Hope you like them!
Cool! And cute! I'll be right back and go take a picture of my gerbils. (If they're asleep, you're most likely in for a treat!)
XD cute!
heres a pick of ryder wanting food!\
(and him trying to get into the front seat)