If you could live in ANY book/movie universe (besides The Guardian Herd or Riders of the Realm) what would it be? I would personally like to live in Narnia, in Wings of Fire as a Night Wing or Ice Wing, or in the Warriors world as a WindClan cat.
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Here we go!! XD:
Percy jackson universe, as a camper (So like any of Rick's books, just as a greek or roman demigod...XD)
WoF as a Rainwing
Warrior cats in one of the clans... don't know much..XD
and this series that doesn't really have a name for the whole thing itself.... but I'll put down the first book so you can look it up if you want!
Daughter of Smoke & Bone, (The main characters name is Karou if you need help finding it!! XD)
This book called Sparky (Good fantasy book!! XD)
How to Train Your Dragon
(May have more later, depends on if I can think of them!! XD Also I'm back!! Hi guys!! XD)
-My number 1 would be TGH universe if I had to pick only one. This universe is just so unique and so specific with all the herds, the 100 year star, the Ancestors, and all the dangers! I'd absolutely love to be a pegasus.
-Valkyrie universe (As Brightriver said)
-The Scythe universe (It's a really good book(one of my favs) You guys should totally read it! I don't want to spoil too much but its very futuristic and it's about a world where death is no longer a fear to people. So Scythes are the ones who do all the killing. It sounded interesting
Totally Narnia! Either that or the Ender's Game universe
My friend who are 8 and 5 read more Harry Potter books then I have!XD
The Rose Legacy, (A book by Jessica Day George)
~Any Wendy Mass book, even though most of them take place in real time.
~ Harry Potter (after the last book, though XD)
~The Horses Know (a much less known book series that I LOVE)
I would live in Percy Jackson and be a hunter of Artimes
Keeper of the Lost Cities
Harry Potter
Five Kingdoms
Pegasus & Valkyrie (Kate O'Hearn)
Percy Jackson Universe (Kane Chronicles, Heroes of Olympus, etc...)
Wings of Fire
And TGH (Duh)
oh also The 5 Kingdoms world!
I would love to live in the Destiny universe :3 I also wouldn’t mind living in The Nightmare Before Christmas, or in Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell :3
Ninjago would be awesome, and Story Thieves would be awesome and confusing. Idk about WoF, everyone's always killing each other.
TGH!!!!!!! Maybe Ninjago and Avatar the last airbender....
Narnia or the Green ember series world!
I would want to be in Narnia, idk.
Wings of fire as a Sandwing,
The Marvel universe,
The Flash Universe.
Hunger Games universe (set after the books)
Hmmm... Well, living in Narnia would be really cool! If I was in warriors, I would be a RiverClan cat... It is really hard to pick!