Stormsun: Hello everyone! Today we will have a art challenge!
Riverblaze: Yup
Thornfrost: In this art challenge you will pick a villain (or semi-evil character) from TGH and you will draw them.
Stormsun: The rules are simple! 1! You pick a villain (or semi-evil character) from TGH. 2! You draw them. 3! You will post your art by 10/21/2020 and I will post the winners on 10/22/2020
Riverblaze: The 3rd place winner gets a feather shot of their OC. The 2nd place winner gets a head shot of their OC. The 1st place winner gets a full body shot of their OC.
Thornfrost: Have fun!
Stormsun: If we forgot something, please tell us!
Also, I got bored (like I said, I get bored a lot) so I drew Larksong with Frostfire's and Starfrost's feathers. I know she isn't a villain but in Stormbound she was VERY evil, so that's why I did her. I wanted to make her look evil but that didn't work out. Anyway, here is my example:
I took a better pic of mah entry... it's the same drawing, but could you please judge this one instead of the fuzzy one?
I did mine!
I’m done!
I did mine!
Has every one in this Art Challenge entered there drawings??? If you haven't yet, PLEASE TELL ME!!! I will start picking winners soon!!!!!
My drawing
He doesn't look evil sorry!
By the way this is Frostfire
Can I join last minute? I already finished my drawing.
Ok, peeps, so I would like too see if there are any other peeps that HAVE NOT turned in there art. If you haven't, please do so XD
I might post winners today, if everyone who is doing this Art Challenge is ok with that.
Can I just turn in the picture uncolored in? I forgot but my coloring suppiles that I need are still packed. I drew the picture just cant color it in
Ohh between you and me, Ashsong, we're making everyone feel sorry for this poor guy.... :(
How does he look soooo..........
like a reglar peguses?
I feel so sorry for him....
here he ISSSSS
Ugh, sry the pic is so bad, this is my dad's ipad wasn't signed in to dropbox so I wasn't able to send a screenshot ugh
ONE DAY EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!! I will be posting the winners on Thursday, 10/22/2020!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is his high and mighty Semi-Evilness Frostfire! He's just a headshot -- I couldn't get him how I wanted him in full. He's about to make his fateful decision in turning in Star's friends. (Rescanned!)
Okay, here is her freezing cold heartedness, Petalcloud!
(I'm actually REALLY happy about how she turned out!)