I wasn't totally sure where to put this, but I want to know! Who watches Star Wars? I do, and Iceberry and I are in the process of watching the Clone Wars! We have watched all the Mandalorian and all of the Skywalker Saga.
If you have watched Star Wars, please answer!
Favorite Characters: Qui-gon Jinn, Obi-wan, Ahsoka, Han Solo.
Star Wars FOR EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fav characters: Kanan Jarrus, Ahsoka Tano and Sabine Wren.
I've only watched 4 movies lol
Should I say no...would anyone believe me if I said no...
Of course I have and absolutely love it!!
Star. Wars. Is. Awesome. My favorite characters are Grogu, Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, and Rey!
I do STAR WARS! IS SO GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!
STAR WARS IT SOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!! I've been watching (and rewatching) all the movies and TV shows for longer then I can remember, and I still LOVE watching all of them!
I'm a fan of Star wars! I think Mandalorain and Clone Wars are my favorite series! My brother has introduced the movies to me and I'm also a fan of those!!!
I also like Ahsoka! Supahsoka!
I have watched the first movie but nothing else. Right now my brother is playing a Star Wars video game. I’ve also watched the Mandalorian, Baby yoda 4 EVER!!!
(I know that it’s in his real name.)
I haven't. But my brother already started showing it to me... I think Lost Hope or something like that XD