since we all LOVE the guardian herd so much i figured it was about time we learned more about each other (i am not trying to stalk u i just wanna be friendly) comment ur hobbies, fav animal, fav thing about gurdian herd! do what u want! this is a post for ppl to open up to each other and not be shy! lets get this chat going!!!!
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Hi! I just joined. I love reading and drawing. (I want to post some of my drawings in the future...) I love horses and dogs. Also, I love the characters in the guardian herd. Mrs. Alverez, if you read this, you are very creative! I love how you have created a wonderful world of fantasy, but have added in real life problems. I have read the Guardian Herd series twice and it doesn't get old! There aren't many books you can do that with. :)
The OGs. Wooooow
My favorite hobbies are reading, writing, riding horses, and grooming horses and cats. My favorite animals are horses, horses, and more horses. My favorite book it TGH, and more specifically, Starfire and Windborn. My favorite thing about TGH has to be Silverlake standing up to Nightwing. My favorite characters are maybe Morningleaf, Echofrost, Star, and Brackentail. Other things are that I like science, robotics, and HORSES!!!!!!!
Favorite Hobbies: Writing, reading, baking, being on this message board
Favorite Thing About TGH: Such a hard question. I guess I would have to say the characters. All of them are completely different and have a completely different back story, personality, and looks.
Favorite Animal: Griffin (if it can't be mythical, it would be a white Siberian Tiger)
I like to write, and read, and ride horses.
This is rascal. Same situation as hungry. We rescued him from outside
I do have living pets
she was! And super sweet. I loved her.
This was our cat. She was super sweet and kind. We rescued her from outside. Her name was hungr.
Wow!!! He's beautiful!!!! And that barn looks very pretty as well!!!!
This is a pictrue of Brewster one of the horses I ride besides Chance.
My hobbies : riding horses I lease a paint gelding named Chance , I love reading writing and coming up with TGH ocs. My fav TGH books ; Landfall, Windborn. My favortie charters in TGH: Star, Morningleaf, Shadepeeble , Brakentail , Echofrost and Bumblewind and Dewberry . Favortie song: "Honey and the Bee" by Owl City!:)
I like cooking, reading, riding horses , soccer and so on
favorite animal: cats and cats and even more cats I LOVE CATS and I got anew puppy just as you know
favorite thing about guardian herd: hmm, this is hard hazel frost, YOU CAN NOT BLAME ME THEY ARE TO CUTE, and when Echo frost forgives bracken tail
favourite character: oh boy *takes in a deep breath* Echo frost, Dew berry, Shade pebble and Lark song
favourite book: land fall because of the page when Echo frost forgives bracken tail
favourite quote. sorry this is not TGH but pure Piper mclean " just because you'r a hero that doesn't mean your invisible it just means that your brave enough to stand up and do what is needed"
my own quote " if you never try the impossible, you will never find out that everything is indeed possible:"
Favourite song: Just like fire by P!nk
i think my cats personality is like hazlewinds, and here's a picture
of my dog named alex,
AAWWWWW!!!!!!! I love that name!!!!!!!!!!! He/she is SO cute!!!!!! I have a dog, so.... yea
Her name is Rosie (I call her Sunpebble)
Thanks, and since we are all sharing pictures of our cats here's a picture of mine
My cats name is Firestar.
-GASP- Sunblaze!!! Are you new?! -GASP GAAASSSPP- YYAAAYYY!!!!!!!!!! NEW PEOPLE!!!!!!!! WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME!!!!!!!!! I'm Riverbreeze!! But, you can call me River! I LOVE Free Rein!!!!! AAAHH!!!! I AM SO EXCITED THAT UR HERE!!!!!!!! Btw, Sunblaze is a great name!!!!
I love to visit my local Zoo, Watch a horse show called Free Rein, and i LOVE TO READ!!!