since we all LOVE the guardian herd so much i figured it was about time we learned more about each other (i am not trying to stalk u i just wanna be friendly) comment ur hobbies, fav animal, fav thing about gurdian herd! do what u want! this is a post for ppl to open up to each other and not be shy! lets get this chat going!!!!
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Hi! I just joined. I love reading and drawing. (I want to post some of my drawings in the future...) I love horses and dogs. Also, I love the characters in the guardian herd. Mrs. Alverez, if you read this, you are very creative! I love how you have created a wonderful world of fantasy, but have added in real life problems. I have read the Guardian Herd series twice and it doesn't get old! There aren't many books you can do that with. :)