Im being bullied because i am a veterinarian and because I read i don’t know why I am telling it to you guys maybe because we all love the same thing guardain herd my mom And dad know it. The bullies is calling me names behind my back and saying it’s stupid to read and today they throwed a stone inside a snowball at my back . I just think I need someone to talk with
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She sure has a lot of attitude, when it comes to mean kids and someone that insults her friends and other children on the school.
WOW ! take that bullyies!
You know what i will say it he called me a racist
No, not really, but there this one boy that called me, I do not really wan’t to say it.
That's terrible, no one in the world deserves that except for the bullies that bullied you, are you still being bullied?
Oh no, I'm sorry.
Yep it hurt
WAIT- A STONE INSIDE A SNOWBALL!?!?! I hope you're okay and I hope it didn't hurt to bad.
You're being bullied because you love to read? That's terrible! But It's a good thing that you love to read (People who like to read are smarter, HA TAKE THAT YOU STUPID BULLIES) But You need to know that everyone on this MB is always here to listen. I will be praying for you... and the people that are bullying you, you don't deserve that.
You don't deverse to be treated like that. Reading is amazing and just becuse you are a vegation DOES NOT MEAN YOUR STUPID OR DIFFERENT it is just what you like don't change yourself be you and Trust me being builled stinks a lot . I was used to be called "Seaweed hair" becuase my hair is curly . But YOU CAN DO THIS!:) ALL of us on MB got your back .
I’m not a vegetarian, (I love my burgers 😂) but I definetly don’t think vegetarians should be bullied because of who they are! I don’t know how I can help you though. I’ve never been bullied, so I don‘t know what it‘s like. But you are who you are! No one can change that
Bright berry you are the best
Thank you :)
Its ok stormflower!!! Not the bullying,but being a vegetarian and loving books!! I know many of the people on the MB have been bullied, myself included, so we understand. I just want you to know I am always here to listen!
Sorry vegetarian