So I just finished Percy Jackson, the main series there is a few other lines of books that form off of that one, but I don't have them so I haven't been able to read them though I do want to! But what I am really curious about is Greek Mythology itself. I was just gonna search all of it up on Google, but I was wondering if anyone knew any books or movies even that explain more about Greek Mythology, cause all I really know is the story of Hercules and that is because of the movie!! XD Anyways, if you have any suggests I would LOVE to know them, and if you wanna talk about Greek things feel free to!! XD
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Hey sis! So this may not be what you want, but you're getting it anyways. Though it definitely won't make things EASIER to understand, if you want to learn more about Greek mythology, I recommend you read Greek myths! The two obvious choices are The Iliad and The Odyssey both by Homer. They're likely to end up being required reading in school if they haven't already been introduced to you, so you might as well read them early if your parents allow. These aren't of course the only options. You might want to play around with different myths and theories you come across, just stay safe. The internet can be scary!
I'm someone who really doesn't like watered down versions of things, or venations of the stories that change a whole bunch of stuff from the original. That's why I would just recommend, if you're wanting to know more about Greek myths, just going straight for the original stories.
I love Greek Mythology!! All the legends and the exciting beasts and creatures! If you're looking for a good book series concerning Greek gods(it's more like the Norse gods, but close enough) then I HIGHLY recommend the Valkyrie series!
It's written by Kate O'Hearn-the author of the Pegasus series! I finished the last book (there are 3 in the series) about 2 weeks ago, and I can't stop thinking about it! I love the action, the love, the plots, and the danger this book series had to offer, and I love the characters too!
Not to mention it was heavily based off the Greek myths and legends! If you're looking for a good read, I recommend this book 10/10.
I think I have a book on it.... Somewhere lol. I don’t know much of Greek mythology, just because I really love the Celtic mythology xDDD (I still love the Hercules movie, one of my top favs)
I definitely recommend the other Rick Riordan books, the Heroes of Olympus is a great follow up series! The Trails of Apollo is still good but didn't really meet my expectations...
Good to know, well that is where I know him from!! XD I'll do research and I think I'll stick to Rick Riordan, may do some more searching on other books he has too! He is a fantastic writer! My only question would be how he gets his ideas, but none of us can probably give that an answer!! XD
I agree with Stormfrost, the Hercules movie, had soooo soooooooooooo soooooo many wrong facts,
When I read Percy Jackson, I got into that too, and I am pretty much an expert on Greek mythology now. Like, I'm a total geek for it. My favorite myth is the one about Arachne and Athena. And BTW, the Hercules movie has nothing to do with the myth. In fact, Hercules' real name is Heracles, and he's just a normal demigod, and his myth is about his famous 12 labors to pay a debt to his cousin. And I agree with Cinder about her suggestion. D'aularies' is a classic. I have two copies of that one. I also like Tales of the Greek Heroes by Roger Lancelyn Green. But if you want a more whimsical approach rather than an analytical one, Rick Riordan, y'know, the Percy Jackson author, wrote two books about Greek myths, one about the gods and one about the heroes, and they are really interesting, and pretty accurate, too.
D'aularies' book of Greek Myths