I ship Starleaf, and I know a lot of you probably do too. I know some people put Brackentail with Echofrost or Flamesky, but last I saw, Echofrost is on another continent and in love with Hazelwind, and Flamesky was only mentioned in one book, Starfire (and a 1-second mention in Stormbound). I personally ship Brackentail with Shadepebble, and I know I'm not the only one. So let's get to the thing this post is mostly about, shall we?
I personally ship Stripesky (or Flamestorm?), Flamesky and Stripestorm. The few times they were mentioned in Starfire, either both were mentioned, or neither of them were. I think that they only hung out with Brackentail when he was a bully because a) they didn't want him to bully them and b) they were afraid of Star. I believe that they both went with River herd, and I know Flamesky did. I think that they have a good chance of being together, not to mention supercute foals!
also here is Stripestorm in Breyer horse form


and their (as of right now nameless) foal, he is a red-goldish bay roan blanket appaloosa, and he would have dark blue feathers

Please let me know if you have any name suggestions, thank you!
Ahhhh, yessss, Flamestormmmm. Hmm, for the foal, maybe Mapledew? Auburnmane? Fire/Flamedapple?
cool! I was thinking Sundapple or Rivershade or something, and I'll definitely consider those names for future foals
Hmm... I kinda do like the idea of Flamestorm or Stripesky, but also like it if they were shipped with unknown characters.
Anyway, That colt is so pretty! I'd probably name him Honeysky or Goldenflame. *shrug*
Tigerheart :)