This is not a challenge.
So... what would the kids of some of YOUR favorite ships look like?? TGH, and ROLEPLAYS YAS YAS YAS. Also their personalities.
Edit: You don't need to draw them you can just describe them. But you can draw them if you want to!
you know what I'm doing it anyway
Star+Morningleaf's foals in age order
Clovertail (filly)
Blazewind (colt, also this is him as an adult, I'm drawing all of my Starleaf foals as foals and as adults)
Icelight (filly)
Thundersun (colt, also firstborn of twins, still work in progress)
Holly_____ (filly, rest of name undecided, secondborn of twins)
Whitewind (filly, work in progress)
Nightwillow (filly, work in progress)