Hey! So um… anyone else wonder about how Twistcloud/Petalwing went? How long where they mates again? A few moons? But anyhow, I decided to create a foal for them XD
Yes, I know, they PROBABLY didn’t have a foal, and even if they maybe did, it would PROBABLY be dead, due to Petalcloud’s “curse”.
But whatever. So I drew her. And… kind came up with a whole story for her.

Twistflare- Tricky silver dapple bay mare with dark olive green feathers tipped in exotic dark heather purple, wide white blaze, one front white sock, mysterious silver eyes
Twistflare is pretty… idk. She’s difficult to reason with and hard to talk to with out getting your feathers ripped out. Her parents, both being evil (and slightly evil), caused Twistflare to turn into that confusing, ambitious, proud warrior. She’s a bit selfish, I’ll say, and snappy. Kind of like a kill first and ask questions later kinda gal (sorry, stole that from Tsunami XD). BUT, my bean also has that fiercely intense and pretty rare soft area that she’ll run into at times.
I’d imagine that if this character was real, Petalcloud would become pregnant with her possibly a couple moons before Nightwing shows up, and than gives birth… hmm… POSSIBLY weeks before Nightwing (Landfall spoiler) comes in to steal the United Army. OH IDEA IDEA.
MAYBE, because Petalcloud either dislikes Twistflare or loses her somehow, Twistflare ends up being raised by a horse family XD (Lol, Pegs and Cents peeps, ya’ll remember Valentina’s story? XD) The horse/horse herd that found her could have taken her under there… umm… imaginary wings and mare that also had foals could’ve nursed her I guess lol
I’d imagine that the Ancestors could have spoken to her in a dream, or maybe just thing happened, that Twistflare decided to go off and search for her “family”.
I’m probably gonna make a short story out of this XD But ok maybe I’ll back out of the horse-raising-her idea lol. Ya’ll should except a short story popping up in the next week or so XD
Twistflare is also quite… rebellious? She doesn’t believe in pegasus tradition, with the over-stallions and lead mares and malesxfemale only and the herds and everything. She doesn’t care about any of that. Her belief is that any pegasus has that right to do what he or she desires, and the freedom should be FREE. She’s bi (I know, I know) and is proud of it, though she doesn’t really call herself “bi”. Quote from Twistflare herself that may pop up in that soon-to-be short story: “‘I’m a liking-all and hating-those-who-are-all-feathered-up-about-stupid-rules-and-“opinions” kinda gal. What’s so terrible about that, Mister Mumbles? Excuse you.’” She sort of created herself in that area ha ha XD I may be sorta like her in the last part, honestly, but I’m still figuring that out.
ANYWAY, I hope you like her XD
That’s a great idea! I love how you imagined that she was raised by horses, it’s really cool! Besides, horses don’t get much attention in the series.