A lot of people out there have been saying what they think some pegasi's foals will look like. I want to hear y'all's opinion on the subject. And the subject is Brakentail's foal. Who do you think Brakentail will have the foal with? What gender do you think his foal will be? What will his foal look like? What personality will his foal have? How many foals will he have or will he have twins or triplets or the other ones? I'd like to hear some of your answers. I have my own opinion too and I'll be posting it later. :)
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*laughs evilly knowing that most of the MB will hate me for this*
So... as I'm sure a good majority of you all know, I am an Echotail shipper (Echofrost x Brackentail). While yes, I've come to accept that there is pretty much a 0% chance they'll end up together, *Windborn Spoiler* especially now they live on two totally different continents, I still think of them as my favorite fantasy ship and I even made up what I think their foal would have looked like:
Meet Rowanwind!
Description: blue roan filly, black points, black mane and tail, one hind left sock, blue eyes, and purple tipped orange wings
ok so i am a BrackenTBD (idk what to call it) shipper. so basically i dont ship him with anything. although he has a crush on morningleaf i feel like he is a ladies man. definitely had a crush on flamesky and echofrost. i also think stripestorm had a thing for brakentail(wether or not brakentail had the same feeling for him) but by the end of the series i found he doesnt really belong with nay of the character introduced. i see him with someone like shysong from ROTR: quiet and a but shy but smart and brave when needed. the kind of bravery u dont expect from that person yk? idk. and @Dragon…. i lowkey could see echotail together. obviously itll never happen but i would be suprised if it happened in the books. a little enemies to lovers trope lol. i ship hazelfrost more tho. i cant really think of a physical description (cause idk what the other parent looks like) but i imagine he would have a filly. she would be very curious and happy but is very shy and reclusive as she nears the “yearling years”. shes very smart and a good problem solver but she doesnt speak out much. however is suprisingly brave when she needs to be and deeply cares for her few close friends even if she doesnt outwardly show it. very polite but avoids confrontation unless absolutely necessary.
My opinion on Brakentail's foal is.....
I think Brakentail will have a foal with Shadepebble. He will have twin foals, A filly and a colt. His colt will be a blue roan with yellow feathers and have a black mane and tail and one white front anklet and his colt's name will be Clawflame. His filly will be chestnut with orange feathers tipped pink with a flaxen mane and tail and two hind white socks and her name will be Summertail. Clawflame will be stubborn, big, humble, and protective. Summertail will be stubborn, small, loyal, determined, and friendly.
That's what I think Brakentail's foal/foals will be like.