WHY DOES THAT MAKE IT SOUND LIKE A TED-TALK?!?!??!?!?! It's not really even a theory XDDDDDDDDDDDD Imma just roll with it, I like Ted-talks XD
Anyways, *over-the-top dramatic voice* Let us...... BEGIN. *bows for some reason*
Let's begin this thing with an unpopular opinion (I think it's unpopular, not fully sure XD) : I don't ship Clawpebble. At all. The age difference is just too weird. I think I remember seeing an old post on here somewhere that said that JLA told them that Clawfire was like 19, which makes him around 18 years older than Shadepebble, which, in my mind, is just..... way too weird for me to be able to ship them. I see them as almost father and daughter. I kinda think Clawfire is the *good* father-figure Shadepebble never had, because... welp, let's face it. Rockwing was nowhere near a good influence/father figure to Shadepebble. He might have been a good father, but he literally lied to the entire herd about almost EVERYTHING. Who does that?!?!? ANYWAYS, I digress (why do I always use sayings that I have no idea what the meaning is??).
let's go to the actual thing this post is about XD
This is how I think Brackenpebble would play out (from Brackentail's perspective)
*claps hands in a clasp* Brackenpebble. Les do dis.
It won't happen at first. It'll take a while, and it'll happen slowly, but it will happen. (this is in the event that Morningleaf chooses Star, fyi) A few years go by after Star defeats Nightwing, and no one has really been that interested in love. Can't blame 'em, really, what they went through was pretty traumatic. ANYWYAS, after a few years, they start to get interested in love, most of all STar and Morningleaf. Brackentail gets jealous, but in the end, she chooses Star.
Brackentail gets a bit bitter and doesn't really handle it that well, but tries his best to maintain his friendship with STar and Morningleaf, but has a hard time. He and Shadepebble have always been good friends, getting closer when they went with Morningleaf to lure the two armies away from Star. Shadepebble helps him while he gets over Morningleaf's rejection, and they get closer and closer, until BAM. Brackenpebble activated. XD
I'm now REALLY REALLYYY wanting to make a fanfic out of this and do not care if it turns out horrible (lol, yeah.... my mega over the top perfectionism says "haha, she's so naive. yeah, that's a big fat hard NO." to that.) Imma do it XD
*bows* Thank you for listening to my Peg-talk XD (get it? like Ted-talk, but Pegasus?? XDDD idk why I'm so proud about that, but I am.) BUT YES. Thank you for listening (reading, but STILL.) Thank you for reading my Peg-talk XD
I've always shipped Clawpebble, as long as he isn't TOO much older than she is.