So, for a while I've had an idea for a short story, and I was wondering if you guys would want to see it. It's about an elderly pegasus mare who is on her last moments before she goes to the golden meadow. She recaps her life, and thinks about who she has loved, and lost. I have had the scene in my head for a while, and I drew it over the summer, when I have a chance, I will post it on here. Would you want to read that?
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this is what she looks like,
I think this would be a very interesting story
That sounds very interesting and sad!
Wow, yeah
Awwwweee! This sounds like a sweet yet sad story! I'd love to read it!
I WOULD LOVE TO READ THAT! It sounds so interesting and sad... 😢 Does she have friends gathered round her? Or is she left in peace or what?