"Who are you?" Star asked.
A black figure walked out of the shadows. The bright white leg stockings glowed. "Star....." She trailed off.
Star took a step back, "Who is we?" He asked.
4 full grown pegasi walked out of the cave. Every single one of them was a black foal. "We are we, Star."
4 little foals bounced out of the cave. "Hi!"
One of the black foals walked over to Star. Her bright blaze glowing. "Star. You came back." She said nuzzling him.
Star stepped away from the mare. "W what do you mean?" He asked.
The mare looked at him, "My name is Shine."
"What do you mean Shine?" Star asked.
A tear rolled down Shine's face. "You don't remember me?" She asked.
"No. How would I remember you?" He asked. Then he noticed. Each of the star foals had different colored feathers. Shine had pink feathers. One of the stallion's had deep blue feathers. He adressed the stallion, "WHat's your name?" he asked.
The stallion turned to face Star, "Moonstone."
One of the females spoke up, "I am Teka." She said her purple feathers flashed.
The second stallion spoke, "And I am Cloudspark." His green wings seemed too large for his body.
"I'm sorry Shine. But I don't remember you." Star said. "And who are the foals?" he asked.
Shine pointed to them. "The one with golden feathers is Starflair. The little boy with the small silver wings is Sharkstar. The boy with red feathers is Bloodmoon and the littlet female with the white feathers is named Amberstar." She said.
Star broke down and cried.
I AM GOING TO EXPLAN!!!!!!!! I was planing on telling you later but ok. When Star killed Nightwing it released the other black foals and they ended up in Crabwing's bay. The reason their wings are not black is because they never got their powers. They died before they got their powers and that made their wings turn different colors. They are the other Star foals before Star. 1 is from Before Star, her name is Shine. The rest came in the years after Nightwing. The little foals are their children. The rest will be explaned tomorrow.
I am so confused. Why do they think he would remember them? Who are they? Why do then not have black feathers? WHAT THE HECK SO GOOD!!!!
WHA??????????????????????????????????????? This is REALLY good, but, WHA????????????*confusion*
This is really good!
Wait, what? This is good! I'm just confused XD