This takes place 7 months after Stormsong’s birth. Stormsong is now a weanling.
Chapter 3: Sickness
Stormsong looked up at the Hundred Year Star, that had followed her since birth. Her mother believed that this star would give her powers on her 1st birthday.
Stormsong thought that was silly. She didn’t think that such a clumsy, longed legged dud, like herself, could have such power.
She pricked her ears as she heard her two best friends, Skyfall and Emeraldsun, trotting towards her.
“There you are,” Skyfall said.
“We’ve been looking for you,” said Emeraldsun.
“Why?” Stormsong asked.
Skyfall took a deep breath, “It’s your mother........she is not well.” Skyfall turned, “We should get back.”
Stromsong reared, “My mother!” Emeraldsun and Skyfall galloped after her as she bolted towards Storm Herd.
They burst out of the woods and spotted Dawnlight and many others, breathing heavily, laying in the middle of Storm Herd.
Stormsong’s eyes welled up with tears and she nuzzled her mother.
“There you are, my sweet filly,” Dawnlight said. She wheezed and coughed, and started to shiver.
Rainmoon spoke, “I don’t know what happened,” she said. “One-minute they were all fine, the next, they just.....,” she swept a wing around her, her eyes filled with tears. “I.....I don’t know how to help them.”
An elder mare spoke up. “My name is Riversnow,” she said, “My great, great aunt Echofrost has passed down the story of her time with Landwalkers in the west. She said they were great healers, and could cure any injury,” the mare said, and sighed, “But she also said that they are very dangerous, that they can tame fire, and that they feed on bears, moose, and many other animals.” Riversnow lowered her head.
Rainmmoon spoke, “I’ve also heard those stories, but the Landwalkers are too far away for us to reach before........well.......,” she looked at Storm herd, and at the sick steeds.
“We will not go to the Landwalkers!” Sparkstorm shouted. “It is too dangerous!”
Rainmoon frowned at her mate, “But the sick steeds-”
“No! I will not risk destruction over Storm Herd! We will stay put, and wait for the sickness to go away,” Sparkstorm arched his neck.
“But Storm Herd-”
“End of discussion!”
Rainmoon huffed, and turned towards Stormsong, “You should get some sleep,” she said.
Stormsong nodded stiffly, and collapsed next to Dawnlight. That night, she cried herself to sleep.
The next morning, Stormsong was gone.
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The Star in the Sky (Chapter 3: Sickness)
The Star in the Sky (Chapter 3: Sickness)
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Go, Stormsong!
Questions QUESTIONS!!!! You'll find out!
Also, have you read Skyblaze's story and how his herd got sick? Yeah, I think they got them same sickness, or COVID 19 found them 😶
How did everyone get sick so fast?!?
I think she went to the land walkers
Dawnlight – golden dun mare with crimson colored feathers, wavy black mane and tail, one white sock.
Rainmoon – silver appaloosa with light blue feathers tipped in white, black mane and tail, four white socks, blaze.
Skyfall – dapple grey filly with bright blue feathers, black mane and tail, 3 white socks, blaze.
Stormsong – black filly with sapphire feathers edged in black, wavy black mane and tail, one white sock, sapphire eyes.
Sparkstorm – white stallion with dark green feathers tipped in dark orange, white mane and tail.
Emeraldsun - chestnut filly with emerald feathers edged in light yellow, flaxen mane and tail, one white sock, blaze.
Riversnow – silver pinto with light green feathers edged in blue and tipped in white, white mane and tail.