Stormsun panted, Amberfang squirming under her wings like a wolf pup, the cub's fluffy fur rubbing against Stormsun's back.
Stormsun longed to open up her wings and stretch them out in the sun, but she couldn't, or else her kidnappers would discover Amberfang.
Shelltail was trotting next to her, his wings flared as he blinked calmly in the sun. He was used to these hot, feather-curling conditions, but of course, Stormsun was not.
Boulderfire, who was leading them group, sped up, and Stormsun trudged after him. "Hey, er, could you please slow down? I'm hot!" Stormsun complained, her sweat-soaked forelock brushing over her eyes. Stormsun grumbled and flicked it back, only to let it brush over her eyes once again.
"Yeah, well then, lets fly!" Snakesand hissed, before yanking on Stormsun's ear. Stormsun sucked in her breath.
She wanted to fly. But Amberfang...
Her thoughts were cut short when Amberfang let out a yowl and tried to crawl out from underneath Stormsun's wings.
Stormsun went pale as Boulderfire froze. Stormsun almost ran into his rump, and he swatted her tail at her.
"What was that?" Boulderfire hissed, glancing around. He shifted into a fighting position, and curled his neck at Stormsun.
"I- I don't... know," Stormsun said. She straightened a bit. She had to act like she didn't.
After a moment, Boulderfire flicked his wing and went back to trotting.
Stormsun exhaled in relief.
Stormsun stared up at the sun, but her eyes kept trailing back to Shelltail. He was eyeing her warily, and looked as if he had swallowed a snake. His eyes kept shifting to her wings, but whenever she caught him doing it, he would quickly look away.
"What's your problem?" Stormsun burst out after a moment, when he looked her way for the hundredth time.
"Nothing," he spat.
Stormsun flattened her ears in surprise. Shelltail had never used that tone on her, that was Boulderfire's and Snakesand's job.
"Umm... you sure?" Stormsun snorted, but she felt her blood turn cold. Did he know about Amberfang?
Shelltail barred his teeth, making Stormsun flinch. "I'd be careful if I were you. 'The lion does not need the whole world to fear him, only those nearest where he roams,'" Shelltail nickered, a glimmer in his eye, as he sped up.
What!? What does that even mean!? And does that mean Shelltail knows about Amberfang? Stormsun swallowed and glanced at the palomino stallion nervously.
All of a sudden, Boulderfire threw out his wing to halt. Stormsun obeyed, and Amberfang mewled, but so quietly that only Stormsun could barely hear it.
Shelltail also paused, and Snakesand grumbled and kept going.
"Quit being a grump and stop walking. I hear something," Boulderfire hissed.
Stormsun straightened. Thankfully, Amberfang seemed to sense that she needed to be quiet, for all Stormsun could hear was the quiet purr vibrating off the cub.
Snakesand growled, but obeyed Boulderfire. After a moment, though, nothing happened. "Gah, you dumb horse. Nothing's there. Let's move," Snakesand spat.
And then Stormsun heard it. A faint rattling noise.
And then Snakesand screamed. She reared on her hind hooves, before stumbling and collapsing on her side.
"Snakesand!" Boulderfire bellowed, charging to her side. He ran past her and stomped on the snake.
Stormsun was frozen in fear as she watched Boulderfire kill the snake, and toss it over. In fact, she was so distracted, that she didn't notice the sudden shift of weight on her back. Amberfang had crawled out from under Stormsun's wing, and leapt onto the hard, sandy ground.
I hope you enjoyed! :) Also, I'm to lazy to re-read it, so if you saw any mistakes, let meh know :)
HOW DID I NOT SEE THIS BEFORE??!?!? ACKKKK *face palm x 10000* it's SO GOOD!!!!
Cool! Also, how are the grown-up pegasi so stupid? How do they NOT notice something's off?