Yay!! I finally remembered this, lol. Well, I hope you enjoy! Also, if you would like, you could comment some ideas of what you think would happen next! I'd love some constructive criticism XD
Stormsun blinked her eyes at the rising sun, and stretched her bright wings, letting the sun warm them.
But something felt different. Her wings... hurt? And why did everything look so weird? This was nothing like the Blue Mountains, there was no cold grey boulders here, no snow or even frost, and that most surprising thing was... it was... hot?
Then Stormsun remembered, with a sudden jerk of her head. She wasn't in Mountain Herd territory. Those odd lumps of light brown powder weren't the mountains she was used to. She was in Desert Herd territory, right at the border, and those odd pale brown mounds were dunes. As Stormsun slowly shifted, her wings started hurting more, and she suddenly remembered why as she gazed around, her eyes shifting past her sleeping kidnappers from fright. In the distance, Stormsun could see tall red lumps. The Red Rock Mountains, of course.
Suddenly, there was a yowl. Stormsun shrieked and sprang to her hooves, tossing her head from side to side as she searched for the source of the yowl.
And then... she saw it. The cub, laying on it's side next to a cactus, with thorns in it's paws.
"Oh, Amberfang!" Stormsun whispered, and slid past her snoring kidnappers, flinching as her hoofsteps made small clacking noises.
Amberfang whimpered and tried to get up and stand, but both her front paws had thorns stuck in them.
Stormsun gently scooped up the cub with her hurt wings. "What were you thinking? Were you trying to climb the cactus?"
Amberfang only made a sad gurgling noise, her pain-filled eyes staring up at Stormsun.
Stormsun softened. "This will hurt," she told Amberfang, and before she could react, Stormsun yanked out the thorns from one of Amberfang's paws with her teeth. She did the same for the other paw.
Amberfang shrieked and swatted the paw at Stormsun's face, just missing her eye.
Stormsun gasped and dropped Amberfang at her hooves, and put her wing over the wound Amberfang gave her. "Why'd you do that? I'm helping you!" Stormsun whinnied.
Amberfang mewed and tilted her head from side to side, before rolling over onto her paws. Stormsun watched as Amberfang tested each paw, and nickered in amusement as the cub straightened and lifted her tail, trotting in small circle.
Stormsun exhaled, forgiving the cub.
Then, there was a loud snort.
"Ack!" Stormsun whirled around. The seal brown mare, the one that had injured Stormsun's wings, was waking up.
"Hide!" Stormsun spat at Amberfang, and shoved her behind a large reddish brown rock, just as the mare woke up.
"Good morning, Snakesand," Stormsun squeaked, as Snakesand stretched her dark brown tipped gold wings.
Snakesand snorted. "Why do you look like your about to explode?" Snakesand stood, and pranced closer to Stormsun. "Do you're wings hurt? Or do you want me to hurt them more?" Snakesand hissed.
"I-" Stormsun stopped as one of the two stallions yawned and opened his eyes.
"Snakesand, don't scare the filly. We need her alive and healthy when we show her to Spikewing," the stallion nickered, but he didn't seem all to worried for Stormsun.
"Oh, Boulderfire, you know I was just joking," Snakesand nickered with a snort, as she eyed Stormsun with her hazel eyes.
Stormsun flattened her ears and lowered her head.
Boulderfire snorted. "Of course." Boulderfire stood and stretched his wings, clacking his teeth. His eyes shifted to the other stallion, the one that was still sleeping. "Shelltail, wake up!" Boulderfire spat.
Stormsun watched from the corner of her eye as Shelltail twitched and moaned quietly. Shelltail raised his head.
"Good, you're up," Boulderfire snorted. As he eyed Shelltail, he didn't seem to notice that a small little creature was only half a winglength away from his swishing tail.
"Amberfang!" Stormsun gasped out.
"What? Speak up, you." Snakesand arched her neck and snorted at Stormsun.
Stormsun was to speechless to respond. She turned her head away from Amberfang, but let out breath of relief as Amberfang pranced away from Boulderfire as he flicked his tail.
"N-Nothing, ma'am," Stormsun said, a hint of relief in her voice.
"Mhm, sure," Snakesand said and snorted. She clapped her wings. "Alright, crew. Let's move."
Boulderfire arched his neck angrily. "I'm in charge."
Snakesand rolled her eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry," she mocked.
Boulderfire barred his teeth.
Stormsun backed away.
Welp, I hope you like it!
Lol, thanks!!
And yeah XD I was actually going to name it "The Cub and the Yearling" at first, but I like the sound of "The Lion and the Pegasus" better XD
But I guess "The Lion Cub and the Yearling Pegasus" also sounds cool :)
Every time I read the title I think "The Lion and the Mouse" XD
awwwww, Amberfang is so CUTE!!!!!!