"Hey, everybody! This is Stormsun, if you can't tell. I'm going to tell you a little story, about The Lion and the Pegasus. It's very interesting. It can also be known as... Stormsun's Story. WOW, SHOCKER. YEP. But it's not just MY story. It's also the story of a little lion cub. SO BE PREPARED! LOL! I hope you enjoy. And yes this is just Part 1. And also yes, I will be talking a lil bit before the story starts in every part. So bye. Just kidding, stay."
The chestnut filly's ears twitched. Her pretty turquoise feathers fluttered, attracting a little lion cub.
The lion sat on its haunches, quivering. It's over-sized paws inched forward and it stood with a small flick of it's long tail.
It let out a mew, staring at the party of pegasi.
It was night time here in Anok. All the pegasi were sound asleep. But little Stormsun, however, was not.
Just a few days before, on a warm spring day, she had been kidnapped by Desert Herd, from Mountain Herd. Let's just say, there had been a lot of blood. And screams.
And now they were only a day's trip away from reaching the heart of Desert Herd.
Stormsun's eyelids fluttered open and she moaned quietly.
The lion made it's move. It leapt on top of Stormsun, unsheathing its pointy claws, a low growl rising from it's throat as it landed lightly on Stormsun's injured wing. It dug it's claws into the feathers.
Stormsun's head shot up. She turned her head and was now face to face with the cub.
Stormsun let out a squeak of fright. Her whole body became numb and the urge to run or fly flashed in her mind.
But she didn't run. Nor fly. Not that she could, anyway, her wing had been injured by the Desert Herd steeds so she wouldn't fly away. But there was something about the cub's fierce, but warm eyes, that made the chestnut filly shiver.
It roared, if you could even call it that. It was more like a mewl.
"Shoo," Stormsun said fiercely, her eyes round. She gently rattled her feathers and the cub tilted it's head from side to side, it's eyes still dark and shiny.
The cub released it's grip on Stormsun's wing, and curled back it's lip, showing it's sharp, white baby teeth.
Stormsun tensed, realizing that this was a female.
The cub let out another low growl, and Stormsun stiffened. She glanced at the Desert Herd steeds and let out a small raspy breath of relief. The two stallions and the mare were still asleep, their breaths coming out in short huffs and puffs.
The cub made a gurgling noise and hissed, before opening it's mouth.
Stormsun let out a quiet gasp, her bright blue eyes fading into a icy blue from fright.
But the cub only yawned. It puffed and licked it's lips with it's pink tongue, before stepping closer to Stormsun's face. It cocked it's head.
Stormsun felt the cub's soft paws on her side and then two on her neck. She flicked her ears and inhaled sharply. "Go away," Stormsun said, exhaling as the cub only stepped closer.
It only mewed, blowing a soft puff of breath on Stormsun's white and chestnut colored face. Stormsun forelock fluttered back.
There was a snort and Stormsun heard the shuffling of hooves and fluttering of feathers. The mare that lay only a couple winglength's apart from Stormsun was the one that had made the noise, but thankfully she was still sleeping.
"Please go away," Stormsun begged as she turned her head back to the wide eyed cub.
The cub did a small leap, and landed right under Stormsun's cheek. As it had jumped, the moonlight had caused the cub's amber and gold fur to shimmer. The cub's soft belly looked almost white in the light of the moon, and so did the tiny spots on it's muzzle and next to it's eyes. It shifted and lay it's tail on Stormsun's neck.
Stormsun sucked in her breath. She tossed her head and the cub snarled and snatched Stormsun's mane in it's claws so it wouldn't fall back.
The cub's amber face stared gloomily at Stormsun, and Stormsun flattened her ears.
"Alright, alright. You can stay for a little bit. Just for the night, okay? Oh, and you need a name..." As Stormsun trailed off in thought, the cub purred as it saw Stormsun soften. It flicked it's tail and hopped off of Stormsun, only to jump back up and curl up on her back. Stormsun felt the vibration from it's purring on her back, and she pricked her ears forward as the right name she was searching for finally popped up in her mind.
"Well, good night... Amberfang."
Amberfang let out a purr and flicked it's ears, and lowered it's black lashes as her eyes finally closed.
Stormsun shifted nervously as one of Amberfang's paws slid down Stormsun's back, drawing blood.
Something told her that Amberfang was more then just a little cub. Perhaps a friend. But either way, Stormsun knew Amberfang was in danger. She didn't know why, or how, but whatever happened, Stormsun would (try) to be there to protect her.
And let's just say, something will happen. Probably.
I hope you liked it! Sorry, this is kinda "out of the blue." Long story short, I got these little figures. One is a chestnut that looks (sorta) like Stormsun, and the other is a (female) lion. Horses and lions are my favorite animals, if you didn't know.
ANYWAY, after a lot of just staring at my wall and tracing the details of the figures with my finger I got an idea. Aka, this story.
Also, what do you think of this story? If you like it I'd like to know, so maybe it will continue. I have a few ideas for the next chapter.
Oh, poop. I'm sorry, I hate long paragraphs even though I manage to make them way to much without realizing it until I'm off searching for a gif or something. Soorrrrrryyyyyyy emmmm.
Oh, yay. Wat up, Simba
OOF. Ummm... hmmm. We'll see.
I love it How long till ? i will be dyeing if its a long time
Love it!!!!
Oooo! Interesting idea! I like the name Amerfang!