To Cloudpepper’s mild annoyance, Thunderfrost’s audience broke up shortly after that, leaving no time for her to talk with Brightforest more. She was about to voice this objection when Star spoke up.
“We need to host a council meeting about this,” he said. “Sorry, Thunderfrost, but you’ll have to repeat yourself one more time. After that, we can have more question-and-answer time. Sound good to you?”
Thunderfrost nodded. “That sounds fine,” he said cheerfully.
Star nodded. “Then Brackentail, you go and see if any of the other council members aren’t up yet. If they aren’t, wake them up and get everyone over to the council outcrop. Thunderfrost, you come as well.” Thunderfrost and Brackentail nodded and went their separate ways.
“Where should I go?” Cloudpepper asked.
Star glanced at the young gray mare. He hadn’t thought of that, but then he made up his mind. “You can also come to the council meeting,” he said. “I’d like you to add to Thunderfrost’s story as –or after– he tells it.”
Cloudpepper nodded reluctantly, throwing a longing glance at Brightforest. “Can he come?” she asked.
Star tried to hide a knowing grin as he replied. Unnoticed, Brackentail, turned back his ears angrily to listen.
Star spoke. “He isn’t part of the council, so no, sorry.”
Cloudpepper had been expecting it, but she was still disappointed. “Oh, well. Let’s go anyway.”
yeah I will get back to them
That's so good! I can't wait for more! I am wondering about the weanlings though.
lol yeah probably
Lol. I think Star would be the one to easily tell who likes who from any pegasus
there, re-read that part
wait a sec
AMAZING!!!! Btw, when you said that Star grinned, does he know that Cloudpepper likes Brightforest? I’m curious about that for some reason
I will get back to the weanlings soon, I promise