Clawstone woke up and stretched his wings. "What'd you say, Shadepebble?" Shadepebble sucked in a long breath. "It's time to leave, Clawstone," She whispered, as to not wake Brackentail. Clawstone cocked his scarred face. "But I thought only the mares and foals were leaving today?" He asked. Shadepebble blinked her large, chocolate eyes. "Morningleaf made an exception. For... for mates." Clawstone was confused for a second, but then the realization of Shadepebble's words dawned on him. Standing up, he nuzzled Shadepebble's dark, black mane. "Thank you," He whispered. Shadepebble turned her small head to where Morningleaf was standing. Morningleaf was looking over her and Clawstone. She nodded her head to the dappled filly. "Good choice," She mouthed. Shadepebble turned to Clawstone. "Let's go get ready. We're in charge of a filly named Moonpebble." She said. Clawfire trotted after his new mate, leaving the unaware Brackentail dozing behind him. Shadepebble walked towards a small group of weanlings whose dams did not survive the cold, harsh winter. There were two fillies and four colts huddling towards each other to stay warm. A blue roan filly with one blue eye trotted up to Shadepebble and Clawstone. "I- I'm Moonpebble," she squeaked, her lip quivering. Shadepebble bent down to the terrified filly. "Hi, Moonpebble. I'm your guardian on this trip. This is my mate, Clawstone-" Shadepebble gestured her tiny right-wing towards her new mate- "And I'm Shadepebble." Moonpebble took one look at Clawstone and cantered towards him, bleating like a newborn. Shadepebble was about to ask what the small filly was doing, but Clawstone wrapped his wing tightly over the teal-feathered filly. Morningleaf galloped over to the three and quickly explained to Shadepebble. "Moonpebble idolizes Clawstone. She spies on him twenty-four seven. I don't get what's so fascinating, though." Morningleaf shook her head, and her flaxen mane flew around her face. Star trotted over to the two mares. "Have a safe flight. The mares and foals are over by the Raindrop Tree." With that, the black stallion flew towards the stallions and began to wake each up, one by one. Joining the foals and mares, Morningleaf, Shadepebble, Clawstone, and Moonpebble kicked off of their home and flew towards a safer land. Behind them, on the ground, Brackentail kicked a tree, sadness welling up inside him when he realized Shadepebble left with Clawstone.
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pore brackentail i think he will break the tree. when is the next chapter. why a cliff hanger why!!
AW I feel a bit bad for Brackentail....