Shadepebble flew over to Morningleaf's side and nuzzled the chestnut mare. "Hi, Morningleaf!" She squealed excitedly. It had been over a year since she had seen her best friend and her best friend's mate, Star. She quickly cantered over to Star and nuzzled him, too. "It's nice to see you again," she said. The tall black stallion gave her a warming smile and quickly assured her that he had missed her, too. "But I'm not back to say hello. I'm here to move you." Star said, ruffling his black feathers. Shadepebble whinnied in alarm and reared up. Clawfire seized her and held her back, calming the frightened little mare. "But! Why would you move us! We're happy here!" She screamed and sank to her knees. Star sighed and looked at Morningleaf desperately. Morningleaf stood forward. She knew she could comfort her scared friend. "We've spotted a raging wildfire. It's on its way here, and if we don't move now..." She trailed off. Shadepebble nodded and stood, understanding. Soon, the mares were off in a meadow, preparing to take the foals and mares. The stallions would leave later. Once the friends had decided they would leave early the next day, they broke apart to say goodbye to friends and family. Shadepebble galloped quickly to spend the rest of the hard night with Brackentail and Clawstone. Both stallions were pacing anxiously at the base of a tree, waiting for Shadepebble to return with the news. "We're leaving tomorrow. Only the mares and foals. The stallions are leaving later." Neither stallion said a word. Discussions soon began in the night. Shadepebble sat in between the two protective stallions. As she fell asleep, she remembered Morningleaf's words. "You can take your mate, but no one else. Star is staying, but you can take your mate." Shadepebble slept restlessly in the night until she woke with a decision. Nudging Clawstone, she whispered to him. "It's time to go."
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wow are clawstone and her mated or did she chose him?
NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do I sense a love triangle between Shadepebble, Brackentail, and Clawstone??