As Star wakes up from a horrible dream about Land Walkers envading Anock, he looks up at the stars and wishes something exciting would happen. Even though he had a great life with Sunstream and all his friends he was bored. Just after he had the thought, a bunch of white shooting starts went across the sky, they got closer, and closer. Then he realized they were white pegasi! As he whinnied in fright, he called the rest of River Herd. A bunch of sleepy pegasi stumbled around in confusion.
As the white pegasi landed, a big stallion in front said "Hello, I am Pegasus."
Star asked, "Wait, how is your name Pegasus?"
"Well, my name is Pegasus. This is my herd. We are called Light Herd," he replied.
Star shifted nervously from hoof to hoof and said "So, why are you here?"
As Pegsus flicked his tail he said "Well, that is classified. Do you know where we can stay for a while?"
Believing that Pegasus knew something useful, Star said: "There is a big grove of trees over there. It will probably fit your herd."
As Light Herd trots towards the grove of trees Sunstream comes over and asked "Why did you let them stay here?"
"Because you should always be kind," Star answerd. "Plus I think I have seen Pegasus before."
Pegasus: "That's classified"
Also if someone is confused About the plot you should read my post called sample!
yeah Sunstream is Stars mate
Cool! Who is Sunstream? Star’s mate?
-wow ummm, my brain has broken... umm, yeah!-
Star: black stalloin with a white blaze on forhead
Peguses: white stalloin
sunstream: bay mare with four white ancklets