So if you can name the character in the picture you get to pick an OC to have their head sot drawn be me. So here's the pic:

Description: blue roan appaloosa filly, pale purple wings
Clue: this characters is from "Tails of Snow Herd" and she's related to Dragonfrost
Don't worry, I'll do another one soon
-pouts- I wanted to win.
-sill a little pouty shakes Riverbreeze's wing- You did good.
YAY!!! Thank u!!
Hmmmm.... can u do..... Starsummer? My new OC for the Alternative Endings RP
Who's head shot do you want
You are correct Riverbreeze
How could we forget her?!
I got iT!!!!!!! IT IS PEBBLEFROST!!!!!!!
Isn't it like leaf somthing??
😤 My mom called me
So close, Smokemoon is a blue roan, but she doesn't have appaloosa markings
Nope, Patchfeather is a chestnut pinto, and she's not related to Dragonfrost
Patchfeather? Is it PATCHfeather?!?!?!?!?!
Your guess was pretty close though (btw I deleted the post with the picture in it)
Well actually I do, but she's in Logan's RP
I don't have a character named Icefeather