This story takes place in Spring herd with a small filly named Icewind. She is no normal filly but she doesn't know that yet.
“Wait up,” Icewind yelled trying to catch up with the others, but they kept running. she sighed. She was the only filly this year.
“Why can't there be more fillys?” she sighed. Being the only filly in the group made Icewind the smallest and slower then the other colts.
Dreamcloud, her mother the lead mare of Spring herd walked up beside her just as she gave up chasing the others. “I know that it's hard,” she says positively.
“Why couldn’t I be born a colt or there be other filly’s like me” she whined,
“I don't know and I am sorry” she continues, “but I know that the ancestors have a good plan for you and thats why your life is hard right now”
Icewind was devastated but at least she had her older half sister and brothers to talk to. That was good right?
“Claywind?” yelled Icewind but her sister was off with her friends grazing. “Oliviewind?” she yelled but soon realized that he was over with the other stallions talking.”Rainfire?” she yelled but he was off with the other captains training. “Ma? Pa?” she called one last time, finally her father came over and asked
“what's up?” “I am lonely and want to talk” she replies
“why don't you go make some friends?” he asked. For the over-stallion of the Spring herd going over and making friends wasn’t hard but for her it was a little harder.
“but.”. she tries but he interupts her “
“the only way to make friends is try” she tells her.
Icewind goes over to all the other yearlings and says “ hi um may I graze with you?”
“sure” acknowledged the biggest colt Spiderstorm.
“What's your name?” he asks and continues without an answer “we haven’t been able to talk much because you always seem busy with the elders”
as you know Icewind doesn't have many friends so she likes to hang out with the elders and listen to their stories. Icewind smiles and tells him
“I am Icewind”
“Icewind”he repeats and smiles. “This is Rockfire” she knew Rockfire a little, he was born a dud so he couldn't run as fast as the others so they talked once because he was upset. He continues “Skyflame, Grassberry '' and so on. They all finish grazing.
Skyflame asks “do you guys want to play catch the thief?”
“W-what’s that?” asks Icewind quietly
“I’ll explain as we go” Spiderstorm starts to explain to her the game “basically you have to jump into the lake and then roll in the mud and try and catch someone else to be it” Icewind sighs being a all white filly with pale aqua and pink wings rolling in mud seems like a great idea. But you gotta do what you gotta do to fit in with the colts I guess she sighs. The game starts and they don't seem to be going after her at first or if they do they give up quickly, when the time finally comes Spiderstorm had no problems catching up to her, that made her get caught pretty fast.
Right as she was about to run into Dawn lake a messenger trumpet was sounded. They all ran to their mothers and hid because it was a dark herd steed, those are the biggest scariest herd even there mares were huge. Her dad Hazelwood gave him the single to land. After a quick drink he spoke
“there are large forest fires in our territory and are headed south” his voice deep he continued “we can't stop them so we are warning all the herds and letting them know that we are making zones in the trap if you are your herd want to come.” The trap was several thousand miles away,there were lots of whispers going around. “We will decide as a herd and we might see you there.”
Hazelwood spoke trying to match the deepness in the stallion's voice. Chatper one is long sorry hope you enjoy!!!!!
GOOD! One thing I noticed is that you have names that are already in TGH....
THIS IS SO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I fixed it, helpful suggestions are great becuase that way I get better as a writer and its easier for you to read.
@Icewind have you read my fanfic Nightwing's Shadows?
this is great!
Your grammar is fine! its paragraphs! this chapter is great
I am sorry i am working on my grammer
next chapter will be better
This is great!
I like it! just one thing. When a new person speaks, could you do a new paragraph? It makes it so much easier to read. But I love the story!
This is GREAT, Icewind!! Can I offer some friendly advice??
Hope you enjoy I have worked hard:)))