Let Me Fly Away for @Embermoon
Word Count: 1018
I hope you like it! I don't usually write sappy stories because I find happy endings pretty dull, boring, and unrealistic, but I think I did a pretty good job with this one.
Shadowflame sat down after a long day of practicing with his wings. Even though he had been born a dud, he was determined on learning how to fly. Just like Star had before him. His mother, Rubyrock, had been encouraging him along the way. It was great to know that she supported him and would be there on the very day he learned to fly.
As he picked at his ruffled feathers, which were sore and tired from flying, Rubyrock came over and settled down beside him. She reached down to help get his wings sorted, but quickly Shadowflame pulled away. He loved her and all, but this was something that he could do on his own.
Rubyrock didn’t really take notice of this and instead just brushed it off. “You were so close to flying today!” She nickered excitedly for her son. The mother couldn’t wait for him to fly, because then he could finally go and play with the other weanlings.
“I guess.” Shadowflame snorted, continuing to pick at his feathers. He knew that one day he would be able to fly, but he was nowhere near it today. As the sun set beyond the horizon, Shadowflame drifted into a deep sleep, resting his head against his mother’s soft wings.
~~~ 2 Moons Later ~~~
Shadowflame galloped across the field, spreading his wings and took off into a smooth glide. He circled back down to the ground before saying a quick goodbye to his friend, Ivysoot. They touched noses quickly before he cantered over to his mother.
“Hi Mom!” He nickered, galloping in a small circle around her.
Rubyrock looked at him, a proud glow spread across her face. Her son had learned how to fly some time ago, but she could not shake off the feeling of how wonderful it was to see it. “You did great in that glide!”
“You see me glide everyday, what’s so special about that one.” Shadowflame said, using his wings to over exaggerate the sentence.
“Well, for once you stayed low to the ground, where I could see you.” Rubyrock said, smiling. She didn’t want him to get hurt by flying up close to the clouds, so it was better if he stayed near the ground.
“Why do you need to see me while I’m flying?” Shadowflame questioned, a bit suspicious of her intentions.
Instead of answering right away, Rubyrock just shrugged. “I don’t want you getting hurt.”
Shadowflame stared at her blankly, not really understanding. “How would I get hurt if I flew closer to the clouds? Don’t you trust my wings will carry me?”
Rubyrock just shook her head. “I just don’t want to see my little colt get hurt.” She said moving a bit closer in an attempt to comfort him a bit.
But just as he did when he was younger, Shadowflame pulled back. “I’m not your little colt anymore. I can take care of myself.”
“You’re still a weanling.” Rubyrock retorted, she didn’t really like this attitude that Shadowflame was giving her.
“I’m turning one in a moon! Shouldn’t I be able to do what I want without you worrying about my every mood?” Shadowflame said angrily and frustrated. She could be such a helicopter parent at times.
“I just want to hold onto what little time you have left with me as a weanling!” Rubyrock whinnied, her voice raising a bit.
“Well maybe you shouldn’t just look at me like a weanling, and instead look at me like your son! You can’t protect me forever!” Shadowflame shouted at his mother. Angrily, he galloped off, spreading his wings and taking off into flight.
Rubyrock watched as this happened, wondering what she had done wrong. Parents were supposed to treasure their foals, and she was doing that, right? Yet all she could do was watch as Shadowflame went away in his anger.
Shadowflame soared just below the clouds, letting the thoughts roll through and out of his head. His mother just needed to let Fly free one day. He wouldn’t be a colt forever, and she needed to understand he was growing up.
After a few minutes of flying he sighed and landed on the ground. The foal kicked at the ground, wanting to talk to Rubyrock but also not wanting to budge on his point. Yet, out of the blue, a shadow appeared.
“Shadowflame?” A gentle called as it emerged from the bushes. Unlike he expected, it wasn’t his mother, it was Ivysoot. “Are you alright? I saw you blow up at your mother back there.” Her voice was sweet as it carried across the breeze.
“I’m fine.” Shadowflame said dismissively.
“You clearly are not fine.” Ivysoot said softly as she sat down beside him. “Do you wanna talk about it?” She said nudging him a bit with her wing.
Shadowflame just sighed before speaking. “She doesn’t let me do anything on my own without ‘I’m so proud’ or ‘You did great!’. I can’t have anything for my own without her seeing my every move.”
“Sounds to me like she just wants to be a part of your life.” Ivysoot said, trying to comfort him. “You won't be a weanling forever, at least savor what time you have left with you. She treats you right.”
“It’s not like that.” Shadowflame mumbled.
“Look Shadowflame, I may not understand your struggle, but I understand your pain.” Ivysoot put it gently. He knew she had a lot of issues with her dad, he was more out of her life than in it. “Just go talk to her.”
“I guess you’re right.” Shadowflame said, and as he got up and turned around, Rubyrock was standing there. “H-how long have you been standing there?” He asked quickly, trying to regain his composure.
“Long enough to know that we both messed up.” She smiled walking over to him. “I shouldn’t be so clingy.” Rubyrock admitted.
“Yeah, you shouldn’t.” Shadowflame snorted jokingly.
“And you shouldn’t talk to your mother like that in the way you did earlier.”
“Oh yeah…” Shadowflame said remorsefully. “Sorry…”
“I’m sorry to. I forgive you.” Rubyrock said to him.
Thank you so much I love it!