Before I begin, I just want to say, it's not my best work, but I did the best I could, so if you see anything wrong, just let me know, and I'll fix it later. I'm only saying this, because it's currently 12:30 A.M. and I refused to sleep until this was done XDD. And for @Thunderheart, if anything is off with your character's references, feel free to let me know, and I will edit it.
Now some information before I begin, this 'nightmare' takes place before the events of PearlCloud, and him getting torn apart atom by atom and put back together. If anyone wants to know more on THOSE, I will gladly explain LATER. Now onto the story! Enjoy :)
Ignited Flame
The soft bray of a young mare echoed along the burnt landscape of Fire Herd as FireBird played with her friends. The games that they played were always the same, conquering more territory than the other, and try not to make a fool of yourself while doing it. FireBird flew in the setting sun, her rusty silver dappled hide shining as she grinned at her friends. “Alright, now that I have conquered you all, you must all bow down to your magnificent over-mare!” FireBird whinnied with an evil laugh, while her friends threw happy bursts of laughter.
SageBurner stamped her hoof with a snort. “This game is for foals!” She called out to the new claimed FireCloud.
FireBird tipped her head. “What do you mean?” She asked, slightly offended. “If this is because you lost, you don’t need to be so sour about it!” She sneered.
LavaPlume shifted on his hooves. “Well, SageBurner has a point.” He said carefully, not wanting to disrupt FireBird’s reign of madness.
FireBird huffed. “If you don’t want to play the game, what do YOU guys want to do?” She asked with an irritated edge in her tone.
SageBurner smirked at FireBird with a wicked glint in her eyes. “I dare you . . .”
FireBird rolled her eyes. “Oh, we’re doing this again.” She snorted, remembering the last time the three foals did this, they got a pretty bad beat down by their parents.
SageBurner grinned. “You need to go into Shadow Herd territory!” She threw a fit of laughter, and LavaPlume sighed.
“Please don’t get FireBird in trouble again.” LavaPlume begged SageBurner, but FireBird smirked. “That’s FireCloud to you peasants, and fine. I will do it.” She sneered at SageBurner, excepting the stupid request.
SageBurner smiled. “Excellent. Your challenge begins at sundown.”
As the sun set down, and touched the top of the volcano that inhabited Fire Herd, FireBird stretched her wings out, preparing for the flight that will take her into Shadow Herd’s land gracefully. LavaPlume sat beside SageBurner with a drowsy look on his face, wondering why the two fillies hadn’t called in, and went to bed. SageBurner’s eyes glowed with anticipation, happy that the three got to spend their last game on something incredible. “Well guys. This is the final win of foalhood.” FireBird beamed, and flared her wings. “Tomorrow, we’ll officially be adults, so I want to beat this silly dare of yours.” She sneered at SageBurner.
SageBurner shrugged. “Alright, fine. You have to stay in the Shadow Herd lands until the sun starts to rise in the morning.”
FireBird nodded, and prepared for take-off, when she heard the familiar shriek of her mother. FireBird groaned, and took off, flying into the night, leaving that clingy old mare to take care of herself.
As FireBird set down on the crisp, crunchy leaves as fog rolled in. FireBird puffed up her chest, trying not to be as scared as she secretly felt. The dark forest that surrounded Shadow Herd territory was even scarier in the nighttime than it is in the daylight.
FireBird gathered her wits, and began to march through the dark bracken, unaware of dark hazel eyes watching her every move. She pricked her ears as she strained to hear anything past the soft chitter of animals, and the songs of the owls now that the morning birds went to their nests until morning. FireBird sighed, and smirked, her confidence over her head.
She looked around, jumping at every branch that snagged her pelt, every wind whispering in her ear, every rustle of leaves as they moved with the wind. FireBird’s legs began to tremble as she trotted onward. Just as she was about to give into SageBurner’s stupid dare, she heard a soft song. Singing. The most beautiful singing she had ever heard. Probably the only singing she’s ever heard as well, but something about this voice made her heart melt.
FireBird looked around, hearing the sweet sweet song like honey bounce off every tree and rock in the forest. That’s when she realized she was in a small clearing, not the large one that would be Shadow Herd’s base camp, but just a smaller one that could fit a few Pegasi. FireBird looked around for the beautiful, luscious sound, when she spotted the hazel eyes peering at her from atop a large boulder. The mystery stallion seemed to be the source of the sound, but FireBird had a hard time believing that. “Come out! Show yourself!” She called into the foggy darkness.
The song stopped, and through the dense fog, she caught the stallion’s soft hazel eyes meet her own crisp green ones. “I apologize.” A soothing voice nickered in the darkness.
FireBird swallowed, and took a step forward. The stallion looked her up and down, but not with disgust, more confusion. “Short haired, strong, snappy attitude . . .” He drew on.
FireBird snorted. “I do not have a snappy attitude!” She snapped. The stallion smiled. “Yeah, okay.” He said, his eyes glowing.
FireBird huffed. “Come on out, and show yourself!” She demanded, stomping her hoof. The stallion frowned, and slid off the rock, landing on his two front hooves before his back haunches fell back with him. He stood, watching FireBird with large hazel eyes that blinked slowly. The stallion swiveled his ears. “What is a Fire Herd mare doing out here at night?”
FireBird stammered for words. “Well- I just- I-”
The stallion smiled. “How about we start with introductions first, yes? You can call me RavenSong.”
FireBird blinked, and looked away hotly. “I’m FireBird.” She mumbled.
RavenSong pricked his ears, his dark liver chestnut pelt shining in the soft moonlight, clearing the fog. FireBird looked back up, and gasped. This stallion was gorgeous- his sleek dark liver pelt, and his dark ombre of black and silver feathers. He blinked his hazel eyes slowly again, and smiled warmly.
RavenSong smiled. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, FireBird.” He looked behind her, and realized the sun was about to rise. “If you want, you can meet me back at this spot tomorrow, since we didn’t get to talk much today.” He offered, smiling gently.
FireBird huffed, and looked away. “And why would I do that? It was just a stupid dare.” But the truth was, she really did want to come back and see this stallion- see RavenSong. So she sighed, and smiled. “I’d actually love that.”
RavenSong smiled. “Excellent! Now off you go, the sun is about to rise.”
FireBird looked up, and gasped. She nodded, and quickly tore off back home, anticipation pricking at her pelt as she had to wait for tomorrow night to see RavenSong again.
Many seasons went by, and every night FireBird spent them with RavenSong. She realized that they were becoming closer and closer as the two got older. SageBurner and LavaPlume were confused why FireBird was always tired during training, but they never pushed to ask her why, until one day, FireBird’s stomach became round with foal. LavaPlume gasped as he realized his oldest friend had something growing inside of her, and would often stop by during the day to make sure she was okay. SageBurner on the other wing, grew suspicious, and followed her to FireBird and RavenSong’s meet up time in the dark cover of night. When she realized that the father of the unborn foal was a Shadow Herd steed, she reported it straight to FireBird’s mother, too nervous to confront SmokeWing about it. And when FireBird came back in the morning, she was confronted by two very angry mares.
“What have you done?!” The dun mare, VixenFlame, shrieked at her daughter.
FireBird took a step back, and finally saw SageBurner. “You- you told on me?! What are you - a foal?!” Her wings immediately went to her unborn foal, who was only a few days away from birth.
VixenFlame was boiling at the seams, but she plastered a smile. “Come now, FireBird. You really can’t be expecting to keep that . . . . that THING in this herd, are you?” She asked sweetly.
SageBurner nodded. “You know what happened to SunBlossom when SHE gave birth to a hybrid with a Shadow herd stallion?” FireBird tried to remember seeing the hybrid anywhere, then it hit her. “You mean PearlFlame?” She had little memory of that filly, other than her blood was half Shadow and Fire . . . and she got no respect from the herd. “What have I done?” FireBird breathed.
VixenFlame nodded. “You can still fix your mistake though! Nobody will have to know about your little accident if you can kill it fast enough. Say it was a tragedy, and move on.” VixenFlame smiled her cold, cruel smile at her daughter, who nodded.
“The herd will not know about him . . . right? Not at all?” FireBird pushed. She would have to get rid of it before RavenSong knew, and to cut ties with him all together.
SageBurner nodded. “This will stay between the three of us. I swear on the Golden Meadow.” VixenFlame nodded her agreement.
FireBird looked down to her unborn foal, and smiled cruelly. “May the weak die while the strong carry on.” She nodded, and that was that.
Several days later, RavenSong waited for FireBird to come back with their new foal, but she didn’t show up. Anxiety pricked at his pelt for his unborn child and mate, so he spread his wings, and took off.
When RavenSong touched down in Fire Herd territory, he was surprised to see FireBird on the outskirts, looking like she was wondering whether or not to meet with him or not. “FireBird?” He asked, and slowly trotted over to meet up with his mate. FireBird flicked her ears, and her eyes widened with some secret feeling. Scared? Upset? No, she looked more surprised.
“What are you doing here?!” She whinnied angrily, stamping her hoof. RavenSong drew back. “What are you talking about? Of course I came! Is our foal not here?” He eyed her stomach, which seemed to have deflated- but only a little.
FireBird smirked, and backed away, revealing a little scrawny sooty dapple buckskin foal, struggling to stay standing. His dapples were barely visible along his belly and flanks, but his neck up to his face was a startling black, the golden dapples more visible there.
“FireBird . . . what are you doing to him?” RavenSong looked up to his mate with horror stricken on his face.
The little foal bleated out in hunger, his legs struggling to stay standing. FireBird smiled cruelly. “Don’t you like him?” She asked with a sneer.
The foal shook softly, before finally falling over on his side, crying softly in hunger. RavenSong whinnied in anger, sadness, and surprise. “FireBird! Help him, he’s dying!” RavenSong whinnied to his mate, but FireBird just backed away. “Serves that pathetic creature right. I’m not having that little thing ruin my chances at becoming important in my herd!” FireBird whinnied.
The little colt began to stiffen, and the parents watched in wonder and horror. Stone began to creep up the colt’s legs, until it engulfed him in stone. RavenSong bleated for his child, and FireBird smirked triumphantly. “I was hoping this would have hurried up faster, but thirteen days will have to suffice.” She decided. She flared her wings, and flew away to find VixenFlame to deliver the good news.
RavenSong sat with his colt, tears dropping onto his colt’s stony hide. But when RavenSong turned to leave back to his herd, a crack came from the stone foal. RavenSong swiveled his ears, and dropped his muzzle to the statue as it cracked open like an egg. The little colt shook his body and fired colored wings as he looked up to RavenSong with big green eyes.
RavenSong whinnied with joy, and nuzzled the little colt. “That’s incredible!” He smiled, and exchanged breath with the poor little colt.
The small foal beamed up at his Father with big green eyes, and nickered with pleasure. RavenSong laughed, and looked at the little foal. “Oh, I suppose your Mother- I mean- FireBird didn’t give you a name. That’s okay.” RavenSong scooped his son up in his black and silver wings gently. “You’re my little FoxFace.”
FoxFace whinnied with happiness at his new name, nuzzling his Father with the happiest smile on his face.
RavenSong smiled, and looked at his son’s scrawny body. “Come on little one, let’s go see if GladeStar has any milk to spare you.” He gently lifted FoxFace onto his back, and spread his wings, flying away back to his territory, leaving FireBird behind, his heart as broken as FoxFace’s stone coating.
The few moons FoxFace lived in Shadow Herd with his Father, his aunt, and his older cousin, AmethystWind, he learned all about the legends of Old Anok. Star, MorningLeaf, BumbleWind, and EchoFrost. His favorite was when AmethystWind told him about ShadePebble and BrackenTail, and how the older they got, the more they helped with Star’s life. FoxFace always listened with big round eyes and a huge smile, until RavenSong announced he had to get ready for bed. “Aw, just one more story!” FoxFace begged AmethystWind and RavenSong.
RavenSong checkled, and nuzzled his colt into a laying down position, and laid down beside him. “How about a song instead, hm?” RavenSong asked FoxFace as AmethystWind curled up with her dam.
FoxFace beamed, and nodded eagerly. “Oh yes please!” He begged his Father. RavenSong chuckled softly, and began to sing softly. RavenSong’s voice was a melody to behold as it sounded like sweet honey to FoxFace’s ears.
Before he knew it, FoxFace’s eyes began to droop softly, and he dropped his head beside his father. RavenSong smiled, and draped his wing over his son’s back. “I’ll always be here for you, my little FoxFace.” He promised, and began to sleep with his colt. This life was the perfect life for FoxFace, but the torment of FireBird was not over yet.
The night when FireBird had gone to fetch her dam to deliver the good news that she had fixed her mistake, the statue disappeared, the only remains of it would be the hollow cocoon he had died in. FireBird gasped, and turned to VixenFlame, who shook her head in disappointment. “You have failed me, FireBird. Now the whole herd must know of this silly mistake you have committed.”
FireBird’s eyes widened. “No! Please no! I-I can fix it!” She begged her mother. VixenFlame sighed. “You can’t kill the colt, but perhaps you can reclaim him, and just have to suffer with him.” She turned away from her daughter. “Don’t make the same mistake twice.” VixenFlame nodded to FireBird, and flew off to tell SmokeWing and LavaFire of the new arrival to the herd.
FireBird growled, and turned to the stone. “It’s all RavenSongs’ fault!” She trumpeted angrily. “He tricked me!” She stomped her front hoof, and while VixenFlame went to tell SmokeWing and LavaFire the lie she had made up about how Shadow Herd had stolen FireBird’s colt, and forced her to mate, FireBird would go confront RavenSong, and take her colt back.
The day went by for FoxFace and his Shadow Herd family, and it was only a few days before he would be weaned. He drank his share from GladeStar, and played games with AmethystWind. Soon, the sun reached over the forest, and FoxFace was playing in the woods with his cousin. They soon heard the trumpeting call of RavenSong. AmethystWind grinned at FoxFace. “Race ya’!” She called to her younger cousin, who bleated in pleasure. “Okay! You’re on!” FoxFace took off after AmethystWind, and arrived only a few minutes behind her.
RavenSong smiled, and told the younger foals to nestle in for the night, and was ready about to start singing for them, until he heard the shrill shriek of his sister.
FoxFace backed up into his Father’s comfort, as AmethystWind got up. “Mom . . .?” She trotted forward a few paces, which was a mistake. RavenSong saw the familiar burning feathers of the mare he had once loved. “FireBird!”
FireBird came out of nowhere, and rammed AmethystWind in the legs, causing her to topple over. FireBird reared on her hind legs, and delivered a sharp blow with her front hooves. AmethystWind’s body went slack as blood dripped from her mouth.
FoxFace bleated out for his cousin and aunt, as RavenSong held FoxFace back by his tail. FireBird stepped forward, glaring at her family with daggers. “Give me my colt, now.” She demanded.
RavenSong held FoxFace in his wings. “And if I don’t?” He challenged. FireBird stepped forward. “Then he watches me kill you, and I take him back with me anyways.” She said with a snap.
FoxFace’s wings trembled as he bleated. “Daddy . . ?” He looked scared, and RavenSong’s gaze softened. “How about one last song?” He asked his son.
FoxFace looked to his psychotic dam, and nodded. “Okay.” He agreed. RavenSong opened his mouth, and began to sing. Though this song wasn’t like his normal bedtime song he used to sing for FoxFace and AmethystWind.
FoxFace began to drift into a deep sleep, his mind erasing everything that just happened with GladeStar and AmethystWind. When RavenSong was sure his siren song had worked, he looked up to FireBird. “I love you.” He whispered as FireBird moved FoxFace out of her mate’s grasp.
FireBird shrugged. “That sounds like a you problem.” The last thing that could be heard through the silent night was RavenSong’s screams cutting through the night air.
Miles shot upright in his bed, and panted. He looked down at his hands, which were shaking. He panted, and sighed. “It’s just a dream . . . it’s just a dream . . .” He told himself that over and over again, yet somehow it felt more real than anything.
Miles put his hand to his temples as he swung his legs over the side of his bed, prepared to get ready for the day. He shifted upward off his bed, and went to his box of electronic treasures he kept for safe keeping. He shifted around through his inventions, until he found a simple metal box with a key hole in the middle. He sighed, and set it down beside him, bringing the lid down with a heavy clunk.
Miles sat down on the floor with his back to the treasure box as he held the metal box in his hand. He flipped it upside down, and clicked a small button. Then he flipped it back right side up, and a feather appeared from the key slot of the metal box. He removed the feather, and looked at it with a small frown. He had lied about starting with 9 lives, and he felt bad about that. But he didn’t want anyone worrying about him if they knew the truth. He held the feather from the point at the bottom, and eyed it carefully. He had carefully marked the feather with 13 dashed lines across it. Everytime he lost a life, the blackness engulfed his orange yellow wings, like a fire finally burning out. Right now, he only had 8 left. Miles sighed, and stuck the feather back in the coin slot. He didn’t want to admit it, especially not to Juliet or Magnum, but he was scared. What if he really did lose all of his life? Would he get trapped in stone forever? Would he sit in total utter darkness, waiting to be freed from the stone? He knew Magnum had promised that he and Juliet would make sure that never happened, and he felt a wave of relief come crashing down on his head.
Miles sighed, and stood up, brushing off his grease stained overalls, and grabbed the garage key. He knew it was only a matter of time before FireBird found him, so he needed to be prepared. He marched to the garage, and unlocked the door. He brushed his face off, knowing he couldn’t remove the accidental burn scars from the plane crash, but he did know that if he built something stronger and better, he could protect himself, and his new family. He opened the door to the garage, and smiled. “Hey old girl. Did you miss me?”
I will add the actual character descriptions later, right now I'm tired. Let me know in the comments who's backstory you still want for my DoA friends:)
Hope you enjoyed!!

Ahhh that was amazing and I loved it so much! Especially Ravensong :)