Honeyfall's eyes slowly opened, something felt wrong, wind was whistling in her ears, and her shoulders ached. The bay filly looked down at her hoofs and almost screamed, the ground was hundreds of feet below her.
"Great your awake" said a muffled voice to her left, Honeyfall turned and spotted a very light buckskin stallion who had his teeth clenched firmly around her left wing...
😩 I still haven't gotten past the first chapter!
Ummmmmm........ Didn't his name have something to do with a reptile or dragon?
No, you probably wont recognize him because my fiction series I made him up for ended way before you joined
I still cant guess, I thought of Brackentail but I don't think it is Brackentail.
Really? he was one of the mane characters from "Tails of Snow Herd"
i dont remember him...
This is probably going to give it away, but here's his picture:
That gives me a guess....
He's one of my favorite OC
Amazing!! Sooooooo great!!
well Dragon you can at least spare us by answering if he's either:
One of your OCs
An original GH character??
Isnt Sandwing a palomino?
Hmm... drawing a blank here. Sry!
All that's coming to my mind is Bumblewind.
This might help: he has golden feathers
Does the stallion have a blaze?