this is four @Skysun short story challenge. it takes place right after Windborn.
The Ice warriors were on my tail. I tried to fly faster and faster but two of the steeds caught up to me. One was white as snow with a grey mane and tail with dark blue wings. He gripped my right wing with his teeth. The other one was a bay mare with purple wings tipped with white. She gripped my left wing. I struggled to escape, and with clenched teeth I said “let me go!” The two warriors ignored me.
When the sun began to lower in the sky my prisoners touched down in an icy meadow next to a tall mountain. My wings were really sore. They led me to one of the dark caves in the mountain and pushed me in. The stallion said gruffly, “In an hour I will take you to the queen.” Then the two steeds pulled a huge stone into the doorway and plunged the room into darkness.
But then I saw a little light and moved towards it. When I got closer to it I saw it glow in the dark mist! And next to the glow there was a yearling around my age. I jumped in surprise “W-who are you? Wh-at are you doing here?” I asked shakily.
“I am Grassfall, and just like you I was taken away from my parents, Star and Morningleaf, by the Ice warriors.”
I was not sure why he was saying this to me or why he was in here but I thought I could trust him. “Ok, Grassfall nice to meet you. I’m Lightmoon. Uh.. So why are you here?”
Grassfall hesitated before saying, “I was playing with some of my friends when the Ice warriors kidnaped me. They think they can blackmail my dad to give them his land.”
Before I could say anything the big stallion from before pushed the boulder from the door aside and announced gruffly “You, Lightmoon, are now going to see the queen.” He shoved me out of the door and forced me to fly to a larger cave.
Inside it there was a beautiful mare with a gray coat, a silver mane and tail, violet feathers, a blaze and a sock. She was gorgeous, but she had a cold stare that showed that she was a horrible pegasus.
I was really scared of her. She had a dominating aura that made you want to run away, but if you did she would always find you. I started backing away from her.
“Don’t leave yet. I need you here. Why else would I use my Ice warriors to get you?”
I knew this evil pegasus. Her name was Petalcloud.
“You are valuable to me, you know. Your sire, Summerwind, was very loyal to Star in the war. Sadly, I didn't get to punish him. But if I kill you there will be no one left to carry on the family name. But since I’m so kind I will give you a choice; you can either die or join my army.”
I shakily said, “I will never join you. Ever.”
“Well, ok then; you will die at sunrise tomorrow. Bye.” Then I got carried back to the cave.
When I was back inside the cave Grassfall asked “So what happened?”
“The lead mare is going to kill me at sunrise….”
“Well that’s great!” he exclaimed.
“Excuse me?” I said.
“Oh sorry. I meant great, I found a hole we can escape from! Tonight!”
“Great!” I said.
That night we crept through a just big enough hole in the back of the cave and escaped. As we flew off, we were very close to River herd. We heard the angry whinny of Petalcloud but it was too far away to be a threat. That night I was greeted by Star and Morningleaf but was adopted by Echofrost. That night was the happiest night of my life.
So that is how, my children, I met your father, Grassfall. Even though I still miss my sire I found happiness again. Because you will always find happiness again.
sadly for some reason my computer will not cooperate..... I hope you enjoyed it!
so emotional love it but i thought Echofrost and storm herd left anok or did it happen before they left?
This is a great story! I love it!
NICE!! One question... how could Lightmoon have been adopted by Echofrost?
It's SUPER good! Good job, Aspenray!
I just edited it.
oooh, COOL!!!!!!!!! this was REALLLY GOOD!!!! one thing: when you say "queen", do you mean the lead mare?
Oh, this is GREAT! I LOVE IT! So Lightmoon and Grassfall are mates?
That is amazing