Pepeleaf and Echomoon galloped to Sweetroot to get his injuries healed. "Go to Moonglow; tell her I'm alright," Pepeleaf told her. She nodded and, with another longing, anxious glance at Pepeleaf, flapped her wings and soared off toward the direction where Moonglow had galloped. Echomoon found her grazing near her mother, Tearlight. She landed and folded her wings. "Pepeleaf is alright; he told me to tell you." Echomoon informed. Moonglow nodded and continued grazing. "Hey Moonglow!" A young bay stallion with dark points on his ears and legs and emerald tipped gold feathers trotted toward the white mare. Moonglow looked at the newcomer and smiled. "Hey Harrytail!" Moonglow nickered and nuzzled him. Echomoon looked at the two, and felt content and confused at the same time at the sight. For some reason, she imagined herself in place of Moonglow and Pepeleaf in place of Harrytail, and she had no idea why. She shook her head and dipped her head back down to graze. She grew more and more anstier by the hour, and when Pepeleaf finally returned from Sweetroot, she was about ready to burst. "Pepeleaf! You scared me. Are you alright?" She asked him nervously. This caused him to laugh. "Calm down! I'm fine," he nickered. The two were just settling down, as Harrytail and Moonglow had gone to do something together ("I wish he would just suck it up and ask her!" Pepeleaf snorted, which Echomoon laughed at), when a young sandy palomino mare with sand pale wings trotted up to Pepeleaf. Echomoon and Pepeleaf both allowed themselves the tiniest of sighs. "Hey Pepeleaf!" Sandstone nickered to him, blocking everything else except her prize. She shook her mane and tail, which gave off a flowery scent. Echomoon inhaled sharply, but neither Pepeleaf nor Sandstone noticed. The flowery scent which had been given to the land horses too, was designed to attract stallions. "Hey Sandstone," Pepeleaf replyed without emotion, lowering his head to graze. Echomoon grazed beside him. Sandstone saw this and, being her wonderful self, bumped her out of the way and slid into the vacant spot. "Knock it off, Sandstone!" Pepeleaf neighed at her, for he had seen this. "What?" Sandstone shook her mane and tail again. Echomoon searched Pepeleaf's eyes frantically, but they showed no longing or reaction to the scent, and her heart stopped beating like it was on fire, as it had done before. "Echomoon's the one who took the spot you saved for me," Sandstone argued. Pepeleaf snorted. "One, I didn't save that place for you. Two, just don't." He trotted up next to Echomoon and grazed beside her. She smiled and grazed. Sandstone snorted and squeezed between Echomoon and Pepeleaf. Echomoon sighed in frustration. Sandstone was just SO interested in keeping them apart. She just wish she knew why.
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echo, sorry i didnt respond for so long. it was confusing because I am used to a new line starting when a new character starts talking. its no big deal, i figured out who was saying what.
Junetree and Wispiflower: Did you add us?!?!
Junetree: ADD ME!!!!!!!!!!
omgosh i didnt expect so many comments!! Flamefrost please tell me where the dialogue was confusing for you, and ill happily explain it for you. Also, you are Jonathan E, right? Congrats on winning the giveaway! And in an alternate story (if this isnt being to ignorant or whatever it is), i can add i a part where Junetree, Wispiflower (WISP WISP >:3), Flamefrost, Riverbreeze and pananah (plz tell me ur main OC/pegasus name) threaten to break her wings if you want. Or you can make your own story of it; I would love to see your perspective!
I LOOOOVVVVVEEE ITTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just wish I could fly into the story and break Sandstones wings, then drop her off a cliff. Sry I got violent, but shes annoying and we just met her!!😏
and her name is Sandstone
Junetree and Wispiflower: Can you give us a small part in the story where whenever what's her name tries to ruin a moment we threaten to break her wings?!
I ENJOYED SO MUCH!!!!!! What are you talking about "lack of suspense"?!?!??! There was A LOT of LOVE suspense!!!!!!
I understood it
but the dialogue is a little confusing
This is great!
ARE..... YOU....... KIDDING ME!!!!!!! THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!! SO GREAT!!!!! I don't know how you do it Echomoon!! And as for Sandstone.....hmpf!!!! I just wanna jump into the story and BREAK her wings...... sry i got violent....... Sandstone...... u little.....TERD!!!!!!!
sorry if this lacks suspense, I didnt really have much inspiration. Hope you enjoyed, though (I am aware its not the best I have done ._.)