She was the filly of Snowridge and she would not be afraid. At least, that was what Puffinflight told herself moments after that giant rock had fallen, crushing not only her caretaker- Petalcloud- but her father, Snowridge, who had been crushed trying to save her from the rocks. Her eyes grew wide and the valley grew silent, the only sound being the trickling of the remaining rocks that fell down the collapsed monument. The monument that had been for Nightwing- but was instead for the black colts dead friend.
The tobiano pulled her gaze away from the debris, to the sound of the distant bleating of Petalclouds filly. Her heart sank. Although she was a few weeks older than Riversun was, she knew the pain of losing a parent. And now she’d lost two…
She rushed to the filly and wrapped her wings around her, pulling her close to her chest.
“Shhh I know, it’ll be ok, I’ll protect you.” She reassured her, despite having no physical- or even magical- ability to do so. She looked up, her eyes narrowing into a glare at the two black stallions in the sky. Had she not had Riversun in such a tight embrace she would have rattled her feathers at them. They had done this- both of them, in their fighting. She arched her neck forward, baring her teeth up at them. Her father, her milk mother… both gone now.
She didn't realize she was crying until the hot tears trailed down her cheeks, falling onto the grass. Her ears flicked to Riversun, who was sobbing softly against her chest. She was about to say something- anything to distract her from the frantic squealing and shrieking of the pegasi around them when a soft- but defined- call rumbled through the ground.
Puffinflight and Riversun both looked up at the source of the call- Stormtail, who was hidden amongst the brush, a tired look in his eyes and rock dust staining his feathers, motioned with his wings for them to follow. Puffinflight nudge Riversun forward quickly, ushering her to the stallion. The other foals around, seeing the larger filly head towards Stormtail, followed, most of them being orphaned by the fight- or orphaned long before.
“I’m here,” Puffinflight murmured to Riversun, reassuring her as sobs still racked her small body. “I will protect you,” she said, restating the words she’d said 100 times before. And she meant it.
She would not be afraid.
(Hi! This will probably be the story I focus on for now, I hope you find the prologue interesting and stick around for the other parts!
I probably will not draw a piece for each story, only because I really don't have enough time to draw for each and every part.
Hope you enjoy!!
Also apologies for any spelling errors and such I wasn't able to reread
Puffinflight - a dappled bay tobiano mare with a bald face that doesn't go over her eyes and leak a bit down her neck, curly brown mane and tail, blue eyes, and orange feathers that fade into a darker red-orange color.
Riversun - a tiny black piebald filly with black violet tipped feathers, and brown and blue heterochromatic eyes.
NICE! It sound really promising. But I am confused on one thing. (this could be because Im trying to read it in the midst of my loud and obnoxious health class.) How is Puffinflight related to Riversun? How is Petalcloud her milk mom?
Thanks! Really great story!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!!! This should be interesting!!!