( I thought i would tell the story of how Moondancer and Icefeather became mates. It really happened in TGH R.P .Chat 13 hosted by Wispiflower and it was about shipping. So im only doing this because i thought it was kind of awkward the way the became mates so i am doing this one.)
Icefeaather and Moondancer were sitting under a willow tree. They were thinking about their unborn twin foals in Moondancers belly. Then a story skipped across Icefeathers mind. The story was how they became mates. It happened on a sunny and humid day in Desert herd, and Moondancer had wondered to far from the herd to graze.Icefeather knew this because he loved to follow her around.
Icefeather was watching her and then he heard wingbeats and he swiveled his ears toward the sound. It was a Raid! Mountain Herd had trespassed into Desert Herd! Moondancer hadnt noticed it and Icefeather tried to whinny a warning but then a wind current caught his wing and he creened backward and fell. He lifted his head to watch.
Then Icefeather heard a muffled whinny. It was Moondancer! They had their wings cupped around her mouth. Then a white stallion and gray stallion grabbed the root of one of Moondancers wings. A blue roan stallion bit Moondancer's flank and she instantly shut her mouth.
The blue roan signaled for them to lift off. Icefeather thought of warning the over-stallion but that could mean war between Mountain Herd and Desert Herd so he came up with a plan.But it wasn't a very good one.He would follow the foreighn steeds and that was all he could think of. He lifted off and flew a little back and high from the steeds and beutiful Moondancer.
Then as he was flying and they neared Mountain Herd a thought came across him. What if they wanted to mate Moondancer to Mountain Herd steeds for better agility and looks? Then another thought slithered through his mind as they neared the foreighn herd. If he tresspassed that could also mean war. Icefeather was 5 and a half now and Moondancer was 4 and a half. Then he decided he would take out the steeds before they reached the herd.
Icefeather rocketed forward and bit the blue roan on the flank. The roan whipped around to find his attacker, but Icefeather was too quick. Icefeather was just above the roans head and then he sliced open the roans head. The stallion was suprised and he lost balance and he raced to the ground. Icefeather glanced at the roans lifeless body.
The rest of the fight would be easy because the gray and white stallion had Moondancers wings in their mouths. So Icefeather acted fast and bit the white flank very hard. The stallion squeled like a foal and let go of Moondancers wing as she effortlessly flapped it to keep herself from falling. The white squeled again because Icefeather just ripped the whites flight feathers clean off. The stallion careened sideways and plumeted toward the ground.
Icefeather glared at his next victim. Moondancer saw it coming so she began to vibrate her wing when the gray stallion let go of it. The gray also saw it coming so he let go of Moondancers wing and kicked Icefeather in the flank. Moondancer then kicked the gray in the heand as Icefeather regained his bearings. Then the stallion became unconsious and fell on the hard ground dead.
Icefeather and Moondancer flew home side by side silent with their wings in scyronized rythem. As they flew Icefeather knew what he felt and why he felt for Moondancer. All he wanted to do was to protect her and never leave her side. He felt love for her. Then he turned his head and said " Moondancer I love you," then he paused "Will you be my mate?"
Moondancer looked at him her eyes soft. She hesitated and then spoke her words soft and warming. "I love you to. And yes I will be your mate,"
Tears fell from her eyes. They were happy tears. Then they nuzzled each other. As they decended into Desert Herd Icefeather gave a happy whinny. The mares and under-stallions and foals and yearlings trotted over. Icefeather told them everything and so did Moondancer. Even about them being mates
Icefeather gazed down on the mare he fell in love with and his two pressious unborn foals and he smiled.
That’s was so good! Can’t wait for the next one!
Thanks!!!!!!!! I'll post the story of how their foals were born and the children of the wind #2 very soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aww this awesome!
When you comment before you read cause u know it will be amazing. XD
OMG AWESOME!!!! Omg the Moondancer and Icefeather ship is growing on me.. o.o
this is awesome!! Great fight scene
cool! :D