Moon felt the impact of the ground, blackness surrounded her vision, she wanted to move but her body was stuck, she saw the stallion from her dreams trotting up to her, he was trying to tell her something, but Moon didn’t hear him.
Moon felt someone shaking her and yelling her name. her eyes slowly opened, pain clouded her vision, she brought her wing to her head and rubbed it gently.
“Moon, are you alright?” Snowfire asked.
Moon glanced at the white appaloosa stallion, “Y-yeah, I’ll be f-fine” Moon nickered quietly, she slowly stood up, her legs were shaking. Moon took a steady breath and flapped her wings, she winced as pain shot through her wings.
Snowfire flew up beside her, “are you sure you’ll be able to make it?” Snowfire nickered.
Moon slowly nodded and flew higher, she quickly joined the group, a few worried glances flickered her way.
Snowfire signaled for the group to continue flying. Moon winced at more pain shot through her wings as she continued flying.
(Short chapter but I might get chapter 5 out by tonight or tomorrow)
good job bud, I like where the story is going so far!!
This is great!