Hearing the news of Alderflare's sire and dam, caused everyone to go into another awkward silence. Each pegasus was thinking their own thoughts, until Alderflare broke that silence, a couple minutes later. "Well, anyway! Enough about me. Whisperfrost, who's your sire? I haven't seen him yet and you haven't mentioned him. Is he here?" He sounded more cheerful now that the topic was off him, but his smile faded as he realized the sullen faces of Whisperfrost and Ravenleaf. Whisperfrost bit her lip. "We-we don't-t like to t-talk about m-my f-father..." She stuttered, clamping her maroon purple wings to her side. Alderflare felt his ears droop. "Oh. I'm sorry." He said, not being able to hide his disappointment.
He was looking forward to hearing about Whisperfrost's father. Ravenleaf was such a gentle and patient mother, surely her mate was the same. And Whisperfrost was so sweet...but she was shy. Very shy. Why was she shy? Yes, she's half-blind, but Alderflare could tell that she wasn't just shy because she couldn't see as well as others. There was something else. Something that etched itself into Whisperfrost's heart and made her doubtful and not self-assured. Something dark and ugly that gripped her soul like a burr and wouldn't let go. Something that was supposed to stay hidden...a secret not meant to be shared.
Ravenleaf's shaking sigh brought Alderflare back to the present. He looked up at his new mother. Ravenleaf was staring at the last few rays of sunshine, her eyes dull and angry. Alderflare stared at her and he saw something glint in her eyes. He saw pleading. She was pleading with the sun. Pleading for the sun not to disappear, making way for the dark and mysterious moon. But, of course, the sun disobeyed her request, and vanished below the horizon, leaving the valley in eerie darkness. Ravenleaf blinked and a single tear rolled down her face.
Ravenleaf scowled and angrily wiped the tear away with her wing before it even made it to her cheek. She looked down at Whisperfrost. "It's time. It's time I told you about your father. I've been trying to hide it from you. I've been trying to protect you from the awful truth. I was scared for you and what you might think." She paused. The two foals waited patiently for her to continue and soon enough, she did. "I was scared of the past."
Whisperfrost smiled and snuggled closer to her mother, burying her gray muzzle into Ravenleaf's long black mane. Ravenleaf cocked a small, amused smile at her daughter and raised her eyes to Alderflare. "His name was Moonsight and he was my best friend."
Whisperfrost flicked her ears forward and sat up. She went to lay next to Alderflare so her could face her mother, instead of only seeing a part of her, thanks to her one blind eye. Whisperfrost looked up at her mother and met her gaze.
"Moonsight? That was his name?" she asked, still comprehending the sound of her sire's own name. The name replayed itself in her mind and she tucked it safely away. Moonsight.
Ravenleaf nodded. "Yes. Moonsight was his name..."
(DUN DUN DUUUHHHHHH!!! Sry! I haven't wrote one of these in a long time! So, here ya go! I really really hope you guys like this one. I tried to make it mysterious and meaningful at the same time.)
(Here's Chapter 1 if anyone new wants to read it:
https://www.theguardianherd.com/messageboard/fan-ficton/broken-love-chapter-1-home )
PLEASE WRITE MORE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a love-hate relationship with cliffhangers. This was on the negative end. Great job with the writing though!