Coperpool looked left and right making sure nobody sees him leave. Tonight he would visit his sister. He took one last look around and silently lifted off.
At that moment Riversun was busy having a feast with all her battle mares and captains to celebrate their devious plan to defeat River Herd. Coperpool and his sister Junetree had been born in separate Herds due to their parents different heritages that kept the family split in two. Coperpool had been born in Snow Herd in the days when his dam Peachfeather had managed to sneak into the Herd to see his sire, Windcrest. Two years after she had started sneaking in, Peachfeather was found out and banished, never to come back to Snow Herd again. At the time she had become pregnant and was due to have the foal in about a month. The poor mare had flown back to the only Herd she knew would take her in, Sun Herd. She was immediately welcomed home and in a months time she gave birth to a beautiful filly that she named Junetree. Coperpool had been as witness for the birth of Star even though he had been very young himself, the conquering of the Herds by Nightwing, the birth of Riversun, and the killing of Nightwing that caused the uniting of the Herds. 13 Now Coperpool was 2 and Junetree was 11. They had only found out about eachother last year.
At the moment Coperpool lived in New Wind Herd and Junetree was living in River Herd with her best friend Wispiflower.
He longed to be with them, but for now he could only sneak over on dark nights to visit. That's where he was going now.
This time of year it was a short flight since River Herd had migrated north, so soon he could see the lush green field where he could see his sisters vibrant feathers shimmer in the soft moonlight.
He quickly landed in the forest surrounding the field and trotted out into the open.
Junetree looked over hearing hoof beats. "Coperpool!" She exclaimed, trotting over and nuzzling him. "I've missed you!" Coperpool nickered. "I've missed you to Junetree."
Suddenly his face grew serious. "You guys need to get out of here, Riversun is going to attempt an attack tomorrow morning." Wispiflower, who had been standing next to Junetree now gasped. "What?!"
Coperpool nodded. "I need to inform Star as soon as possible." Junetree also nodded. "Follow me."
-edits- 11 and 13, not 18 And 20
I might forget again though. Sorry if I leave you with an eternal cliffhanger!
I just saw this and read it and I already love it!!!!
I totally forgot about this xD I think I’ll continue it now though.
Thanks guys! 😊
That's what I meant to say... I think
I don't have a clue what that says
Here's my new story I promised!