ANYWAY, type em up family!
Please tell me if you'd like them digitally or traditionally (on paper)! I'm just letting you know that my work digitally is more cartoony and I get it done faster, but my traditional work is more realistic and everything (but it takes much longer)!
ALSOOOO if you want me to draw something that is NOT a pegasus/horse then I'll probably draw it traditionally. (Ex: Humans, cats, dogs, lions, etc)
SOOOO give me the description (and name if it has one), personality, if you want it traditionally or digitally, if you want a back round (can't be a super complicated back round tho), and a picture of the character if you have one!
(Can be your own OC or an original character from a book/movie/etc.)

(I love dis quote lol)
So this is a character from a roleplay I'm currently working on for storyline and structure and the perfect time to post so I don't want to give away anything besides their appearance. (not even gender) so you can depict them however you please!
Coat: Iron grey; aka dappled grey but iron grey sounds cooler
Mane and tail: Near black, sorta like a dark grey
Wing feathers: Dark purple
Wings tips: Maroon
Built: medium height, lean
Ears: Sharply pointed
Pose: Any
Style: Digitally
I hope this is enough for you to work with considering I haven't given you to many details.
He thinks of her highly, almost as high as himself.
Could you please draw my OC Flamestripe from The Lost Foals RP?
Flamestripe- red roan colt with brown feathers tipped in red, black mane and tail, four white socks, thin white blaze
Background- the Trap
@Windfeather? :)
Can you draw a human for me? If you can't draw humans that's fine
can you do one for me?
if you can:
Tigerdawn- A silver filly with a star on her head with blue wings tipped with purple and 2 hind socks
Personality: likes to get in trouble, dose whats best for her,
backround- at night with a full moon in the field
Also, why is this just SOO cute?
Idk why but I love it so much XD
Hey, Sky, what do you think of this photo for your drawing?
Ok, this is really random, but could you draw a lemon meringue pie? I've been trying to bake one but the lemon part won't set XD you think you can drawwwwwwww Skysun?? I don't think I've ever actually asked you to draw her, LOL!!!)
Can I please have Sunburst or Moonbeam? You can pick.