Junetree: -walks onto stage waving- Hello everyone and welcome to the winner post for “YOUR FAVE SHIP DRAWING CONTEST!!!!!”! I am your host, Junetree. Now here are the entries:


Taylor N.:

Love Those Cats:



Junetree: Sadly, in this challenge there can only be a single winner.... -drum roll- And that special contestant issss.... ISSSSS...
Crowd: WHO?!?!
Junetree: Hold your horses!
Crowd: -groans at terrible pun-
Junetree: Alright! The winner issss........ I really wanted Rainfeather to win, but my consultant -growls- said I shouldn’t choose that one. So, the winner is Flamefrost! Congratulations! Put in the comments which TGH character or O.C. you would like draw!
Bumbleberry was great(!), but yeah that was my reason.
And mine was featured on the official Jennifer Lynn Alvarez Facebook page, and it made an appearance in the February give away video, so I honestly don't care I didn't win
Oh okay
Oh, and the only reason Taylor didn’t win was because she didn’t make her entry specifically for this challenge. In other circumstances it wouldn’t have mattered at all, but for this drawing it was different because it had already won the fan art of the month thing for the news letter a while back.
Got it! She’s now on the list of pegasi I’m supposed to draw :)
It's fine, and I just checked. She has no markings.
Can you get back to me now? I’m off from school today, so I’m trying to get a few drawings done. Not to be pushy.
Oh, okay. Can you do a full-body of Breezecloud from the Alternate Ending RP? She's a pale dapple gray with dark purple wings. I'll get back to you on markings because I don't remember if she has any
Copied from the original post: 'The prize is a full body shot of any pegasus.'
Yay!! Although I would have said Taylor should have won, but thank you!! What’s my prize?
Thanks :)
Well you did a great job coloring her in and drawing her body
I did draw the legs, stomach, and the tail though.
Nooooo lol I just colored it in.
Did you draw that Wispi?
I make this face all the time xD Okay wow that was very random of me.
Congrats!!!!! XD
Congratulations Flamefrost!