Snowfrost: "So since there a tie between Flamefrost's entire and Aqua Riptide's entire, Dragon is forced to do a revote. All votes form the previous vote for this challenge do not count, and everyone can cast their vote regardless if they voted in the other vote."
Everyone can either vote for Aqua Riptide's drawing, or Flamefrost's drawing (vote my clicking the heart shaped like button on the bottom right corner)
All votes must be in by 8:00pm (AK Time) on 11/30/2017
Do not say who you voting for (this is supposed to be anonymous)
Neither Flamefrost or Aqua Riptide can vote, but ever one else can
Dragon: "Have fun guys!"
Last day to vote
Nope, and you'll see
and what are the prizes?
dragon has voting ended?
Actually I'm 99% sure that Autumn voted for both entries
well it's a tie right now, I'm not sure if you tied it, but if you didn't then be a tiebreaker
It had all of our drawings!!! That's awesme!!!
that makes sense
I personally include the message board because you still are communicating with people and posting pictures.
I'm on a computer and I don't have any social media accounts, unless you include the message board
I didn't know I could access Twitter on my phone because I have no other social media other than this message board
Why did you say wait whutt or whatever you just said?
That's so cool
Wait whuttttt
yeah, I just saw it. I'm on Twitter!! ;)
Guys, ya gonna wana see this: (scroll down to the bottom on of the page, to where it says "Tweets by @jenniferDiaries")
Autumn, did you click the like button on both pictures?