I know that there are two or three other posts like this, but I’m really, REALLY board lately. Please help me get un-board-ified! I can do full body shots, head shots, and feather drawings of any pegasus (unless they are completely black. So like if they had a black coat and black mane and tail.) And I also cannot do digital drawings because I don’t know of any good apps.
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XD Yeah that's okay I was just asking beacsue you don't have too
I’ll see if I have time. I’ve got a lot to do this weekend with Easter prep and all.
Is it okay if I make a request? If so could you draw Dreamdrop? Her description is on your OC chat page
Sorry about the delay, but drawing one is almost done!
Thank you for helping me get un-board lol
HI Also I commented on your chat XD
Yes, yes, and yes! I will start all three IMMEDIATELY
Could you do a headshot of Darkstone?
He is a silver dapple stallion (that means he has a dark brown coat and a creamy colored mane and tail) with a snip on his nose. if you need feather colors they are a bright orange
Can u daw....er.... Thunderray and Raintree together? .-. Idk XD
Would you mind doing Hazelwind?