there were actually only three completed entries, so I will only make a prize for first place. I know usually it's top 3, but there were only 3. And now, without further ado, the winner is, . . . .
DRAGON!!! Congratulations!! this is her entry of her sister as a pegasus named Brightsong!!

That is an appropriate name though, if he has a star
Caspian is a cool name for a horse, and at the place I take lessons they only have on bay and that Diamond
oh yeah, they sold Caspian
Yeah, there are at least five bays at my stable: Java, Twiggy, Tempi (Temptation), Callia, Mariposa, and I'm not sure if Ibanez is a buckskin or a bay, and there are probably more bays that I can't remember
Oh cool, I find Honeyfall's coloring is kinda a common horse coloring
okay, this is your prize:
It's one of my figurines that looks kind of like Honeyfall
I honestly don't care about what prize I win, I just like participating
Dragon do you really care about the prize for this? If you do please make some suggestions
I would reply but I don't want to interrupt the movie (yes I know that is paradoxical)
Who you guys are chatty lol. Congrats Dragon!!! My sisters super annoying too. Right now she won't stop talking during the movie we are currently watching!
I say we drop this conversation because I'm trying to write #24, but you keep interrupting
um . . . I don't know what to say to that
. . . I didn't think you were
See? I'm not completely crazy
Yes, you have the power to say "No I'm not doing that"